Just to be clear, these people are your ENEMIES

They are the enemies of EVERY honest & decent European too

In fact they are the are the enemies of ALL of humanity.
They want to cause chaos & carnage, impoverish ordinary people & hand control to unelected Elites
Ask yourself, if the EU is a democracy:

When did you vote these people into power?

How can you vote them out?

If you cannot vote out the people in power, you do NOT live in a Democracy (see Tony Benn's 5 questions for powerful people).

EU will get much WORSE
The EU wants to keep the UK as a slave vassal state to the European Empire and milk us dry.

The UK is the second largest net contributor, paying in £1bn a month, while suffering a massive trade deficit with the EU.

EU budget will be wrecked when we leave.

EU has the WORST GDP growth of ANY geographical area in the ENTIRE world, primarily due to DECADES of DISASTROUS EU policies.

The EU is dying.
Ordinary people are being impoverished & having less children.
Living standards for the 95% are declining.

EU policies are causing mass poverty & mass social unrest.

See #GiletsJaunes in France, farmer protests in Netherlands & Germany, regular grenade & bomb attacks in Sweden, Italian rebellion against EU, extreme Greek poverty & unrest etc.

EU's response to mass poverty & social unrest is not to address the problems, but to press on with even more EXTREME policies & create a new "EU Army" to oppress Europeans EVEN MORE

German Army will attack French protesters & vice versa

The Eurozone, ECB & Goldman Sachs alumni Mario Draghi have created a ticking time bomb with negative interest rates & TRILLIONS of asset purchases (EZ gov debt).

At some point this Debt Bomb will EXPLODE causing a severe DEPRESSION in the EU, bigger than 2008
Things will get MUCH WORSE in the EU over the next 5 years.

Next up as ECB head is extreme Neoliberal Globalist Fascist, ex IMF head Christine Lagarde.

Purpose of the IMF is to increase the profits of bankers & multinationals by impoverishing ordinary people.

Next EU Commission Pres is the highly corrupt & incompetent former German Defence Minister Ursula Von Der Leyen

It is ALWAYS the most corrupt failed politicians who are appointed to top EU jobs

New EU Leaders – A Militarised Kakistocracy
Censored by MSM.

EU is rapidly becoming an authoritarian Bolshevik / Fascist State.

Laws are currently being passed to criminalise any criticism of EU mass migration policies, with JAIL terms.

Censored by MSM.

EU passed Article 17 in April (previously Article 13), which allows them to Censor anything they don't like on the net.
Criticism of EU & small honest content providers, will be banned from April 2020 (applies worldwide)

As usual @GeorgeGalloway gets it spot on:

It is Parliament & EU Fanatics who have been carrying out an Anti Democratic Coup against the British people.

Anyone who stands against the will of the British people is the ENEMY of democracy.

The EU is part of the Neoliberal Globalist plan for one world government ruled by unelected technocrats for the benefit of Bankers, Oligarchs & Corporate Elites.

It is an express aim to impoverish ordinary people to control them.

Here is anti democracy, Extreme Neoliberal Globalist Fascist & Megalomaniac Psychopath Guy Verhofstadt calling for "the NWO & a new European Empire" at the recent Lib
Dem Party conf.

These people are clearly not "Liberals" nor "Democrats"
Extreme Anti Democracy, Neoliberal Globalist Fascist, & Megalomaniac Psychopath, Guy Verhofstadt's speech at recent LibDem Party conference was straight out of the Nazi playbook.

This is who the "LibDems" support in the EU "Parliament".

EU Neoliberal Globalists disparage Democracy & the Democratic Will of the People, as "Populism".

They are thankful the EU & its policies are entirely undemocratic.

EU Globalists & Bilderbergers want to destroy Europe to transfer absolute control to the bankers
Extreme anti democracy, Neoliberal Globalist Fascist, Donald Tusk says the EU will IMPOSE a further 3 months of SLAVERY & VASSALAGE on the UK.

Corrupt EU Globalist Donald Tusk & his son in the centre of a Ponzi Scheme fraud https://gefira.org/en/2017/08/07/donald-tusk-and-his-son-in-the-centre-of-a-fraud/

The Nazi Roots of the EU.

Donald Tusk with his " #specialplaceinhell" comment recently, was determined to confirm his, and the EU's, anti democracy, Fascist credentials.

The anti democracy EU Fascist Dictatorship have put a Neutron Bomb in " #BrexitExtension" saying there can be no further amendment to Bojo's "Withdrawal Agreement".

EU know Bojo's deal is Brexit in Name Only & will keep the UK as permanent slaves of the EU
Rothschilds also own Macron & French gov

Macron was a Rothschild Banker for ~3 years & paid a fortune, though he had no banking experience.

Rothschilds & ~30 other Oligarchs, bankrolled Macron's 2017 campaign.

Read this entire thread:

The Secret History of Globalism and the EU.

What everyone should know about the Oligarchs plot to control the world

Cecil Rhodes
Alfred Milner
Lord Rothschild
Anti Democratic One World Government for Wealthy Elites

How Globalist Remainiac Traitor Philip Hammond sold us all out.
This is IN BoJo's deal.

Gifted EU €7.5bn for no reason & put UK on the line for €100bn plus, should the Eurozone collapse (which it undoubtedly will at some point in time)

Ted Heath outrageously lied to us taking us into the EU without a vote in 1973.
& we are being outrageously lied to now about our Exit

Peter Shore's 2 minutes of Truth Bombs in 1975 still one of the best speeches on EU & "Project Fear".

Must Watch - Tony Benn speaks the Truth about the anti democracy EU.

Tony Benn - Britain must Leave the EU to restore Democracy

EU is VERY similar to USSR.

It has an unaccountable & unelected Politburo of 3 EU Pres & 27/28 Commissioners.

It is planning to adopt the same Authoritarian policies as the USSR such as the Military attacking dissenters, Mass Censorship & Surveillance
Mainstream media sources won't teach you about actual real politics and they certainly won't help you understand what's going on right now.

But this will:

Neoliberal Globalism versus the People

Neoliberal Globalism, Corporatism, Monopolies and Wealth Transfer from the many to the few

What is Globalism? Globalism is Neoliberalism which is Corporatism

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