the source-laundering, propaganda echo chamber notwithstanding, at the end of the day there are only 2 actual reports behind the 1 million+ Uighurs detained fabrications, both from spook shops- CHRD & Jamestown Fdn, both w/ laughable methodologies
Born-again Christian anthropologist, working alone at a cramped desk, hunting down data in obscure corners of the internet to get the Big Reveal, skyrocketed to fame
basically same story as so many of those post-9/11 spook journos/'independent' intel outfits who dug up all manner of nonsense (beheading videos, etc) by penetrating isis through chatroom skillz and the power of google search
classic, always a side-gig that provides the $$ for the ops (as chiefly an internet sleuth, only really needs to cover internet service)
a man on a mission. sidenote: I wonder what the "korean-american" thing is about here. odd detail
Then he teamed up with ("caught the attention of") James Leibold. Leibold who apparently brought him on board at Jamestown. Leibold also involved in China Leadership Monitor, funded by Smith Richardson Fdn (what a list of grantees!)
Now on to the good stuff, 1 million... give or take 900k+. Actually, let's bump it up to 1.5 million, because why not.
the keyword here is "extrapolate", that's the secret ingredient to the methodology of Zenz's report & the CHRD report, and how you can arrive at any number you want
Even in the actual report, there's barely any indication of how this number was arrived at (and again we're promised more elaboration once we click through to the full report)
And once you get to the longer report, it becomes pretty clear why they keep burying the actual sources and methodology. After a whole lot of bluster, we finally reach the promised land, and this is the entire relevant bit. LOL
To Zenz's credit, at least he tries to obscure the methodology and the pastiche of CIA front sources, unlike the other CHRD report, which basically just interviews 8 people and "extrapolates" from that (not really even exaggerating much here)
More on Zenz's Jamestown report, which 'extrapolates' the 1mil from an article in Newsweek Japan. The author of this article is Naoko Mizutani, who herself has some interesting biographical background
Reportedly barred from entering PRC in 2010, Mizutani is a major supporter of the US asset Rebiya Kadeer of the World Uyghur Conference (and was the guarantor for Kadeer's visa to Japan)
Interestingly, her great-uncle was also a war criminal and member of Imperial Japan's biological warfare Unit 1644 (the notorious Unit 731's sister unit in Nanjing)
In case her fascist allegiance was in doubt, she clarifies (I still need to find the original AP report excerpted here)
And here's the kind of thing Rebiya Kadeer got up to in Japan w/ other members of the World Uyghur Conference: paying their respect to fascist war criminals at Yasukuni Shrine
Not surprising, considering the fascist background of the Japan Uyghur Association (member of WUC).
As so often the case, it sure is hard to find any reporting corroborating these imperialist fabrications about Xinjiang detentions from sources who aren't outright fascists or in bed with with fascists
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