gemini venus ➫ the master thread
The facts: When Gemini enters Venus, Mercurial energy takes over (as Gemini is ruled by Mercury) and the need to make sense of feelings becomes more prominent than experiencing the feeling itself. In summary, Gemini Venus can self-sabotage themselves because of this.
Gemini Venus falls in love with someone's mind before they get wrapped up in anything trivial like the physical shell or financial pursuit of a person. They want to learn everything about the person they care about, and often can be consumed in the need to understand.
Because of this, they can become too mechanical within their approach to love. They want to be seduced by a person's philosophical pursuit and not necessarily the expression of feelings. If anything, they can feel a bit uncomfortable or confused by big emotional sentiments.
It's not that they're incapable of feeling or expressing themselves, in fact they are incredible at this. But, they can be a bit jaded or question the validity of someone's feelings. As they understand things are temporary if not fleeting, and find comfort in the logistics.
Gemini Venus people are restless and impulsive, they're actually a lot more naive than they present themselves to be. Because of this, they may have been taken advantage of earlier in life - and now shy away from emotional attachment to protect themselves from being wounded.
This doesn't mean we should reduce them to unfeeling or uncaring people, if anything these are the true romantics of our society. The manic pixie dream girl aesthetic was inspired by a Gemini Venus person who is always enthralling yet slightly out of reach.
Gemini Venus want express love by trying new things with you, taking you to places you've never been before, shaking you out of your comfort zone, and inspiring you to awaken parts of you that you didn't know were possible. They ask for very little if anything in return.
Gemini Venus is a naive child that remains hopeful and optimistic in spite of themselves. They get just as much thrill and satisfaction over experiencing someone's excitement as much as experiencing their own. They are selfless in this regard, yet often overlooked or trivialized.
Gemini Venus people live in a world that demands love must be expressed conventionally or not at all. Because of this, they slip into the grey spaces and often times their efforts go unnoticed or unappreciated.
IN SUMMARY: Gemini Venus people are the motivational speakers we need in our lives, they remind us to slip out of our mundane routines, and to experience things vibrantly instead of methodically. They teach us to fall in love with our chaos, and encourage us to dream.
So if you have a Gemini Venus person in your life, drown them in corny sentiments even if they laugh it off - it's not that they don't care, it's just that you might show love with sentiments and they show love with igniting your curiosity and enlightening you intellectually.
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