Anyone else seeing "Tick Tock" all over the news today? https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1187505406777741313
And look what Chucky tweeted out just 15 minutes after me: https://twitter.com/SenSchumer/status/1187513733507174400
Trump just gave a medal to Penske today.

Now @Team_Penske is saying "Tick Tock": https://twitter.com/Team_Penske/status/1187361097050923008
The "Tick Tock Team" pushing for Trump removal and "Converging in DC Nov 2-11":

Seems to be the favorite phrase of several Blue Checkmark accounts, including Don Winslow:

h/t @MickiP65
The Tick Tock catchphrase being pushed as part of the new HBO special "Watchmen"


h/t @RealEye21233163
Given everything, especially the #WatchmenHBO reference, I think it's pretty clear they are trying to push this into our collective psyche to manifest something at this moment in time.
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