What Leo Moon needs to be emotionally fulfilled:
Leo moon typically grows up with a mother who is either a “pageant mom” or a mother with narcissistic elements. She can also be a mixture of both. This will manifest in a few different ways.
She either is constantly rooting on her little Leo moon wanting them to be the “best” and the “greatest” and bragging about everything little Leo moon does.. this is usually to feed her own ego in some way. Her kids are amazing because they came from HER.
Either that or she wants everyone to see that her family is amazing because social graces and depictions are very important to her/for her.
OR she’s emotionally self absorbed and there’s no room for little Leo moon to NOT be sufficient because they’re not allowed to vocalize any need that calls for extra consideration or attention.
Either way, there’s a pressure on Leo Moon to measure up to a spoken or unspoken “greatness”. This creates a lot of internal pressure in little moon which creates a perception of always needing to “preform” for others. Leo Moon rarely feels like they have down time around others.
There’s a subconscious need to make sure everyone is entertained when around Leo Moon. This is because Leo Moon feels like they’re constantly assessed, sized up and judged. This comes from them not being “allowed” to be just an average kid. There were always high expectations.
Because Leo Moon learned to be “likeable” and “amazing” they surface confidence that they can do anything but there’s a deeper insecurity that they may not be enough if people could see that they’re not always “great”.
Leo Moon has a hard time trusting that people will still accept their “good” even if they have “bad” as well. They’re supposed to be “special”. They’re not “allowed” to not be ok. They were taught that being like everyone else is not acceptable.
This is why Leo Moons need acceptance to be emotionally fulfilled. First, they need it from themselves. They have to allow themselves to be “not okay” without beating themselves up. They have to learn it’s ok to be confused, be tired, be upset, to get something wrong.
Leo Moons have to realize it’s ok to not be “amazing” sometimes. It’s ok to just be a normal human and not beat yourself up about it. Give yourself the space to let your hair down without crucifying yourself.
From other people, Leo moons need the same level of acceptance from those in their circle. When Leo Moon isn’t being the “perfect” partner, the “perfect” friend etc it’s important to let Leo Moon know that you still love them/accept them.
If Leo Moon feels like they’ve “messed up” they tend to act out more to push themselves into emotional isolation. It’s a defense. They feel like if they’ve been “bad” they need to cut themselves off from you emotionally because you’re going to punish them for messing up.
Leo Moons need a safe space to learn and build emotional bonds with people.
Adults in Leo Moon’s childhood were very critical of the ways Leo Moon expressed themselves so as an adult they have to learn what it means to freely express genuine emotions and not just the ones that are “acceptable”.
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