iOS Autoclicker tutorial..
1. Go to settings
2. Scroll down to “Accessibility”
3. Scroll down to “switch control”
4. Click “recipes”
5. Click “creat new recipe”
6. U can name it esp if ur making one for when it’s up right and bother for when it’s full screen.
7. Click “Assign a switch”
8. Then “full screen”
9. Click “custom gesture”
10. This is where u do the gesture.. click at the approx area where ull be tapping

Try to get it as lower as possible.. cuz that’s where the button will be if u make a gesture and it didn’t tap, try lower.. it will work I promise..☺️
** Apple might ask u a question and autoclicker won’t let u click on the it since ur gesture is at a set spot.. so I suggest making 1-2 clicks on the spot indicated so it’ll click “ok” for the question and u can proceed to auto clicking..😁👍🏻
11. Click “save”
12. Click “recipes” once u named ur gesture.. autoclicker for hours won’t work if u turn on “timeout”.. so don’t even use it unless u want to.
13. Scroll & click “launch recipe”
14. Click the recipe u made
* for making a gesture when ur watching a vid full screen....

Just tap where the button will be when it is in full screen and do the same thing (launch, tripple click, etc)

It also might ask the question again, so just make one where the “ok” will be.

Comment/dm for question😄

So just tripple click to stop,, then wait until it’s done..

U can literally tap 50x and each tap will equivalent the gesture u made...

LONG TAP (~2 sec) = 10❤️
So do like 2-3 short taps, one long tap (can’t be any longer than 2-3 sec,, cuz the gesture will end) then more short taps.. that will give u at least 15❤️ with one click..
This is what it should look like btw..

The whole screen will be “frozen” and only work where the “gesture” is happening.. so u can tap anywhere and it will register..

make sure not to exit out of VLive until the whole tapping is done or the gesture will creat havoc..😅
Translated in Spanish..
We found a hiccup in the switch control.. if it doesn’t lead u to this page.. follow these next few steps and then go try the “recipes” again..
1. Go to “switches”
2. Click “add new switch”
3. Click “screen”
4. Then “full screen”

Then go and try to creat a recipe again.. it should work..🤞🏻🤞🏻

Just dm me for any questions..☺️

PRESS THE POWER BUTTON ON THE SIDE 3 times FAST.. and it should work..

Again.. DM me for any questions..☺️
For those who would like a vid to watch instead.. this one is suggested to me by @Rainbow_Cloud17
Simplified iOS 13 (iPhone X-11 pro.. mostly) tutorial.. by @Rainbow_Cloud17

Note steps 4-9 is when u don’t have the “swithches” set up like the following photos..
Additional things other MBB ran onto while setting this up..

if u tripple clicked the home (or power button if u don’t have home button) and it doesn’t activate it.. but instead leads u to this..

The next post should do the trick..👍🏻
If 3click of home (or power) button doesn’t activate switch control.. follow this screen recording..

Dm for more questions..☺️

The goal is to make a gesture that will hit BOTH the 💛 and the “OK”..

View the next post.
Follow this screen recording for the pop up question..

Once this is launched... activate IN VLive.. answer the question.. GO BACK TO SETTINGS and activate the original tap gesture you made (if you don’t the part tapping the “ok” might press report on comments)
This thread might be updated everytime there’s an upcoming VLive..😅

Sorry if it’s not in proper order.. bebes find new things everytime.. but I think we figured it out everytime..😄

If u run into any probs, don’t hesitate to dm me.. I’m more than happy to help..☺️
I see lots of kpop fans from different fandoms rt/qrt this thread.. I just wanna let u know that I am open for dms.. if u need help with the tutorial I am more than happy to figure it out with you.. I just wanna save everyone’s fingers from dying..😅

You can follow @Mari_MX_JH.
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