This one's pretty good. Some incredible stories.

Tony Fernandes's Flying High memoir is also a breezy read.

So was the Sarawak Report book.

All market/business stories.
The Tun M bio - Malaysian Maverick is also very good.

Includes interesting biz stories, esp the 1992 BNM forex scandal, MAS takeover, and Renong Group
Here's a whole bunch of stuff. We are book nuts.

**really helps with trading and learning about investing obviously
Let this be a book recommendations thread for sharing the best picks for investment learning
We're re-reading The Alchemy Of Finance by George Soros over the long weekend.

It's a dense, technical, not so well written book. But the content itself is amazing - particularly the story on the multibillion dollar USDJPY trade.
All the Warren Buffett bios are great, if only because he had a very interesting life 😁

1) The Snowball
2) Tap Dancing To Work
3) Buffett
4) Buffettology

**we've read all 4
Also the Jim Rogers books!

Our favs:

Investment Biker
Adventure Capitalist
A Bull in China
Some business histories (very entertaining and readable):

Barbarians at the Gate : The Fall of RJR Nabisco

Bad Blood

Billion Dollar Whale

Black Edge
Just scored this rare book.

It's a history of the 1997-98 Malaysian financial crisis, written by Dr Joko Kwame Sundaram and his colleagues.

Ppl tend to forget Malaysian history. Even more so Malaysian finance history.
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