‘...the nature of power is that it never stays equally distributed, and any attempt to force equality of power itself becomes hierarchical.’

May become a thread of quotes from The Guru Papers; we’ll see.
‘Especially with tasks that never end, unless the hierarchies constructed have mechanisms to ensure they are task-driven, they will most likely become power-driven.‘

(This paragraph subtly references the healthcare system in another section.)
‘Religion’s unique psychological strength and appeal revolve around bringing certainty. What really matters is not so much the specific content of a religion, but how sure one is of its worldview.’
’That is, it’s not nearly as important how true or false a belief is as how certain one is of it.’
‘No wonder it is not unusual to hear people say wistfully, “I really wish I could still be a Catholic [or a Jew or Protestant] as I once was.” What they’re wistful for is certainty, with clear-cut rules and roles that are more relaxing and comforting than living with ambiguity.’
‘It is not that we doubt that some who are considered gurus have deeper insights than their followers...’
...Yet even with the best intentions, assuming the role of spiritual authority for others sets in motion a system of interaction that is mechanical, predictable, and contains the essence of corruption.’
‘Another purpose of this book is to show that corruption is not simply the failure or weakness of a specific individual, but is structurally built into any authoritarian relationship, and less obviously, any renunciate morality.’
‘The guru/ disciple relationship contains an essential assumption that makes it particularly susceptible to abuse: namely, that it is possible for a person to be totally immune from the corruptions of power....’
‘...What this must also mean is that such a person is totally free of all self-interest, for self-interest necessarily entails the possibility of corruption.’
‘It is difficult for an intelligent, caring person to look clearly at self-centeredness without experiencing some discomfort. Obviously all the judged inequities in the world are a product of it, and the ways we hurt each other contain it.’
I feel personally attacked by this book’s description of conversion experiences...

‘The feeling of renewal often includes believing that one has wiped one’s moral slate clean. The power of conversion experiences lies in the psychological shift from confusion to certainty....’
‘...The new beliefs become essential to hold and defend lest all the good feelings that come from certainty vanish.’
‘Taking on beliefs because they alleviate conflict is part of the unconscious code underlying authoritarian control. In our view, any immediate solutions or solace that come from authoritarian control become tomorrow’s problems.’
‘To rebel against one authority (society) by accepting another (a leader who gives permission to rebel) merely shifts allegiance, while giving the illusion of liberation.’
On why gurus don’t hang out with each other (and thus go mad, starved for intimacy):
I’m in this photo and I don’t like it
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