Thinking on doing a thread on the Chilean situation … but worried about losing the 3 Chilean followers I have

(and boring everyone else)
200 Years of Inequality in Chile

I think the source is @gapminder, but trying to confirm
Another version of that chart … it seems to be from @gapminder
Keeping those charts at hand for if/when I write that thread

I got them from @BellatrixEnergi
Now I’m wasting my time trying to find out what happened during the second Ibáñez government (1952-58) and why I wasn’t tought this in my history books.

My guess is that there are gaps in the data and partly this.
Confirmation, the data for those charts comes from @gapminder, here’s the methodology
More data for that posible thread
And this
Chile with a Wealth Tax? Probably not for all the reasons why it does make sense for the USA.

But the door has been opened.
An interesting @johnauthers point
Unrelated but related chart
Inside view … an alien invasion
Outside view: a movement without a clear program or representatives
Chile is still an emerging market, with internal divisions
Inequality and Growth
Life in Poverty
The messy process of moving up
Social and Economic Reforms during Ricardo Lagos

( @wikipedia)
Another inequality chart that contradicts the 19th Century history of the previous chart

by ( @JRodriguezWeber)
Economic concentration, billionaires wealth as % of gdp

( @BrankoMilan @forbes)
Evaluation of conduct of Chilean authorities during protests
Global Context 2019
Cultural Map 2015 vs 2019
What we pay for civilized society
Presidential Approval

( @cadem_cl)
Chilean Exports
Extremes in Chile by municipalities
Growth Model: export of commodities

(check two graphs below)
More on export model
Trust in government and media
Scandals … plus trialed and condemned cartels in toilet paper, diapers, chickens, pharmacies, supermarkets … among others
Plus insider trading scandals: Chispas, Soquimich, D&S, Bilbao, Latam including our current president, … among others
But still worth remembering a few things … and in Chile we still remember this one all too well
And I hope we do not need to learn this one …
Business Culture in Chile

Where “track record” doesn’t mean what you think it means
Short thread about that track record
Education in Chile … a view from Argentina

(pretty good but in Spanish)
Elite schools in Chile and classism … colegios cuicos
Chilean Tax Structure … when the VAT reaches its limit
More VAT
Personal Income Tax
Property Taxes
Chilean Pensions
Education Attainment in Chile
Secondary Education
Tertiary Eduaction … big quality problems plus student debt
A few more slides about the Chilean export-growth model … life after Copper flattened
Productivity : large firms and even exporters struggling with productivity growth … while they sway large influence economically and politically

closer developed world comparisons by size, geography, and industry: somewhere between Norway/New Zealand and Australia/Canada
Research and Development … we don’t need that
When cheap and “flexible” labor
While small firms have limited access to financing and is expensive. Check Canada, that I always thought similar in this aspect.
Chilecracia … site launched less than two weeks ago to prioritize the proposals of a movement w/o representatives. More than 120k participants.

Clustered red arrows clustered are the most represented priorities.
List of priorities according to site.

Probably suffers from internet access bias and may be manipulated in the future … but good first shot of what this movement is about.
1 Pensions higher than minimum wage
2 Higher minimum wage
3 Fix politicians salaries as % of minimum wage
4 Deprivatized water
5 Effective jail for price fixing
6 Free transportation for the
7 Free obstacles and fees for pre-existing conditions w/ health insurers
8 Limit or set profit of medicines
9 Reduce salaries of public functionaries
10 Universal health insurance
11 Effective jail for bribery and corruption
12 Raise progressiveness of tax system
13 Reduce VAT of medicines
14 Reduce taxes for vulnerable elderly
Economic proposals don’t sound like a commie hellhole … and the Chilean way has usually been slowly but surely.

Political proposals show concern that the political system has been captured.
Timeline of initial events in Chile ( @reddit)
Political situation of the Chilean president … beyond the catastrophic approval numbers

(or how to bring the plutocrats, that in general don’t like Piñera even before he was president, to the table)

( @elmostrador)
About buying roses, taking the early subway, missing Congress, running from journalists, and calling a war
I never understood why Piñera wanted so badly to be president, again! Why would a billionaire want this thankless job?

I don’t think the answer is responsibility or achievement. Just look at his program and its political viability.

But then … Bloomberg. Legacy, they say.
And how I’ll start this thread about Chile (if I ever focus and write it)
Chilecracia: Left vs Right
Perceptions of Social Mobility

( @ucatolica)
Survey about most aspects of Chilean society by @ucatolica 
Chilean Peso
About the current situation
And this … #chile
Protests in Santiago using Sosafe data

(red:high-income blue:low income)
Good thread about Chilean inequality metrics
Schools in Santiago … pretty obvious which color are the private schools
Geography of socioeconomic groups in Santiago
Incidents, Plunder, and Protests in October ( @f_vivienda)
Burned Metro stations ( @citylab)
The corrosive effect of the police force corruption scandal, the purge of its high command, and the overreaction to the protests
Arrests on October 20th
You can follow @PlanMaestro.
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