Trump has no policy on any issue because his mental impairment means he cannot think strategically or in abstract terms. He cannot weigh options, assess risk, or foresee consequences. Concepts like fairness, justice, honor, and integrity quite literally do not register. You ...
...can see this in every interview or press encounter. He never states an abstract thought or idea. Instead he falls back on simple adjectives: disgraceful, horrible, low-intelligence, perfect, innocent, nasty, stupid, fake, etc. He’s driven by negative emotion, often paranoid..
..and often insulting, vulgar, vitriolic. If he does in shallow tone say something positive about someone, his childish adjectives are great, terrific, great, or really great. If he tries to discuss a plan or project (space program, the wall) he is non-specific: “We have great...
...great people doing incredible things. You know about that. You’ll see this will be the best, the very best with great stuff no one could do until now, because when I won I said we would have only the best.”
The meaning of this is clear. Trump does not have a vision or a plan, because he can think only in concrete, elementary, childlike, one dimensional terms. He does not process an abstract idea like American forces stabilizing a multilateral conflict with geopolitical implications.
This Trumpian brain failure is hard for normal people to understand because for normal people, abstract thought is natural, baked in, largely unnoticed. Normal people see the consequences, assess risk, make rational decisions most of the time. What is true today is that...
...Trump is not normal, Trump is mentally impaired, Trump cannot think normally, and Trump is dangerous. When he is removed from office he literally will not understand what happened. He will have to make up a story, tell lies, and rant about Hillary’s DNC server. #Presidementia
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