i am physically unable to consume media without turning it into Content so here’s a star trek: tos thread i guess?? tweets will probably be sporadic. leyla this is all ur fault 🙃🌟
i’m on ep 7 and man this is gonna be another het bs episode huh
“you’re part vulcanian, aren’t ya? a pretty face doesn’t bother you at all, does it?” no, irish cowboy, he’s just gay
i forgot about this thread but i’ve been very very slowly making my way through these and all i gotta say is WOW gene hates women and that episode with the 300 year old kids was weird but had very good jim characterization + spones bickering
anyway i’m on balance of terror which i already read the wiki for and 👀

this scene with bones giving jim his physical and smiling down at him while he works out is KILLING me
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