Whole separate appreciation thread for this man.
Just....who approved this? It’s detrimental to my health.
Last one for tonight. Good God.
Excuse me.
*sweats profusely*
Because I threw my thirst at @/JessRoseDraws you all get more photos
Hey everyone. Good morning.
I don't understand how one human being is allowed to look like this. What the fuck.
Good morning
I'm well aware that this thread is largely self-indulgent since this is fandom Twitter but I don't even care, sorry not sorry etc. Please have arguably one of the most amazing photographs ever taken of a human being.
If you thought this thread getting discovered was gonna stop me, you thought wrong. As far as I'm concerned, I've been sanctioned.
Good morning, everyone.
Since he declared it turtleneck season...
Excuse me, sir.
The only manspreading I'll accept, ever.
Guys. Not gonna lie. Part of me misses the earrings.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone
Good morning, everyone.
Happy Saturday, friends.
Hairy thighs save lives
Merry Christmas Eve, friends.
Merry Christmas, pals!
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