Alright it’s #snacktalk time! Basically, I cook my steak in a beer cooler. It’s cost effective sous vide, no circulator required. Here’s what i start with: 16 qt beer cooler, really tall pot, thermometer of choice, meat, and zip lock bags
It’s important to note that i used giant zip lock bags and you don’t have to, that’s just what I had left round here lol. Use whatever fits the individual steaks and is the thinnest possible bag type. #snacktalk
First things first, season those bad boys as you see fit. Today I’m going “hint of heat” but yeah do you

Load em into their individual zip lock baggies (note the ridiculousness of the size of my bags and be better prepared than me, get regular ones). You can close the bag for now if you want but I don’t, I just throw em in the fridge on a plate while I heat the water #snacktalk
Fill that big ole pot about 2/3 of the way with either warm or cold water, whatever way you were raised. Using whichever thermometer method you prefer get that thing up to about 130-135 but no much more than that. #snacktalk
Once you hit the temp You’re gonna get the steaks out first, then transfer the water from the pot to the cooler. Carefully dunk em in with the zip lock bags open for this part. Once you dunk to just below the zip line, carwfully seal the bags and submerge completely #snacktalk
Close that sucker up and wait as long as you want based on how you want the cook. I like it rare so I’m going to wait 1 hour. Medium rare, bout 1 hour 15 minutes. Medium, 1 hour 25 minutes. If you want it any other way this method is frankly not really for you 🤷🏻‍♂️ #snacktalk
Hour is close to up so I’m prepping the next phase, which will be to sear the shit outta these things once the hour is up. I pre-soften some Kerrygold Irish butter by taking it out of the fridge like 20 minutes before time is up on the steak. We’ll use it liberally #snacktalk
Get your pan going on high heat before time is up as well. When the hour is over I open the cooler and remove my two sealed steak sacks. They’re gonna look lightly boiled but don’t have that funky water texture. Trust the process. Slather on the butter and on they go #snacktalk
Sear only about 1-1&1/2 minutes each side of each steak, but that may vary depending on size disparity. Flip responsibly is what I say here but just enough to get your desired charring, lest you continue to cook it beyond the desired rarity. Again I’m a “rare af” guy #snacktalk
Finally to demo texture, unless you hate meat in which case look away #nsfw #snacktalk. Just adjust time if you want a bit less pink and try to account for weight and thickness when deciding how hot and for how long. That’s it. Happy Meating Y’all! (haha get it?)
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