1/ In tomorrow's "Bible in American Politics" class, we'll be exploring the relationship between politics and eschatology. It's clear that "Dominionism" plays out beyond Postmillennialism. A- and Pre- millennialists manage to work the idea into their own eschatological framework.
2/ Dominionism has been traditionally (and still is) associated to Postmillennialism, where the Second Coming happens AFTER the Millennium. The church preaches the gospel and works at establishing God's Kingdom on earth (Dominionism) BEFORE the Second Coming.
3/ But the idea of Christians exercising "dominion" on earth BEFORE (and in preparation for) the Second Coming, is now shared by some Premillennialists. In this case, they still believe in the "Rapture" (i.e. Pompeo), which happens at the moment of the Second Coming.
4/ The Premillennial perspective differs from Pre-Tribulation Dispensational Premillennialism, where Christians wait to be "Raptured" from an evil and corrupt world. In a Premillennial (post-tribulationnal) "Rapture"/Second Coming, Christians are to "occupy" until Jesus returns.
5/ We can now understand ideas like Hamon's resurrection-translation (RT) motif. For Hamon, RT is similar to what some Christians call the "Rapture." But it goes further than that, Jesus does not really return FOR his church but IN his church. Thread👇 https://twitter.com/profagagne/status/1096458525952393221
6/ Premillennialists have to contend with "Rapture" interpretations of 1 Cor. 15:50-53; 1 Thess. 4:13-17, and the "Rapture" experience of Enoch (Gen. 5:21-24). Post-tribulationnal Premillennialism safeguards the "Rapture"/Second Coming scheme and makes room for "Dominionism."
7/ Amillennialism also fits the "dominionist" agenda. The Millennium is symbolic, and the Church and the spread of the Gospel is the manifestation of Christ's Kingdom on earth. Last week's "dominionist" talking points by Barr, should be read in light of Opus Dei's amillennialism.
8/ In the end, there's a lot of cross-pollination between groups and ideas. Dominionism doesn't belong only to Postmillennialists. Believers with other eschatological frameworks are working at seeing "Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven" (Matt 6:10).
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