Day 1 without Yankees baseball: We are not okay so don’t ask
Day 2 without Yankees baseball: Update- we’re still not okay. This might take a while
Day 3 without Yankees baseball: bitter because I expected to be watching the Yankees in the Fall Classic. Instead I’ll be eating my feelings
Day 4 without Yankees baseball: Yikes
Day 5 without Yankees baseball: thought I was okay. Listened to @R2C2 with CC describing his final time on the mound.
Update: not okay
Day 6 without Yankees baseball: Where are we? WHAT YEAR IS IT? I’M LOST
Day 7 without Yankees baseball: I’m watching slow-pitch. Slow. Pitch.
This cannot be right
Day 8 without Yankees baseball: The weather is cold, much like my heart
Day 9 without Yankees baseball: IT’S ONLY BEEN 9 DAYS? WHAT?!?
Day 10 without Yankees baseball: And we thought the MLB trade deadline was boring
Day 11 without Yankees baseball: and now there’s NO baseball AT ALL! WHY
Day 12 without Yankees baseball: So, is it baseball season yet?
Day 13 without Yankees baseball: So, what do we talk about now? THE WEATHER?
Day 14 without Yankees baseball: two weeks and we are still going insane
Day 15 without Yankees baseball: *football is in full swing* *still talks about baseball 24/7*
Day 16 without Yankees baseball: Once again, Jacoby Ellsbury has been activated. I give it 3 days
Day 17 without Yankees baseball: Well, it’s official. Yankees Twitter has turned into Tinder and I’m not here for it
Day 18 without Yankees baseball:
Day 19 without Yankees baseball: permission to hibernate until baseball season starts up again?
Day 20 without Yankees baseball: and now it’s snowing. CAN THIS OFFSEASON GET ANY WORSE?!
Day 21 without Yankees baseball: Personal update: I still don’t like this
Day 22 without Yankees baseball: Thanks to the Knicks, Jets and Giants, New York is a failure of a city until baseball starts again
Day 24 without Yankees baseball: At least Disney+ will tide me over until March.
Wait, it’s not working. Damn.
Day 25 without Yankees baseball: I just lost a ton of followers so it’s either because baseball isn’t around or all I talk about is Disney
Day 26 without Yankees baseball: Buckle up, this is just getting good
Day 28 without Yankees baseball: I missed my first day. Not happy about it
Day 29 without Yankees baseball: @TorresGleyber is so sad so we have a right to be sad too
Day 30 without Yankees baseball: it’s been a month and we’re still in “big yikes” mode
Days 31 and 32 without Yankees baseball: hey I missed a day so this is a cop-out. Still sad
Day 33 without Yankees baseball: can’t do this anymore. The lack of baseball, not this thread
Day 34 without Yankees baseball: okay
Day 35 without Yankees baseball: I suck at this thread
Day 36 without Yankees baseball: I still suck at this thread
Day 37 without Yankees baseball: I forgot what it’s like to cheer for a team who can actually come through in the clutch
Day 38 without Yankees baseball: Alexa, play “I Will Remember You” on repeat until February
Day 39 without Yankees baseball: going to miss Greg Bird’s outstanding spring training stats
Day 40 without Yankees baseball: Happy Thanksgiving ya filthy turkeys
Day 41 without Yankees baseball: The Cowboys suck again so it’s really going to be a rough winter
Day 42 without Yankees baseball: hey friends. Still a weird feeling without baseball. Let’s talk about it
Day 44 without Yankees baseball: Snow has arrived, deepening the “no baseball” depression
Day 45 without Yankees baseball: We’ve turned a corner. All this baseball news got me like
Day 46 without Yankees baseball: oh man, the hot stove is LIT
Day 47 without Yankees baseball: Do it, Cash. Bring us Cole for Christmas. C’mon
Day 48 without Yankees baseball: Get me out of football season NOW
Day 49 without Yankees baseball: better late than never. Except when it comes to spring training dates
Day 50 without Yankees baseball: AHHHHHHHHHH
Day 51 without Yankees baseball: All this baseball action is SO AMAZING
Day 52 without Yankees baseball: my heart just got ripped out and stomped on. How rough
Day 53 without Yankees baseball: The Death Star has returned
Day 54 without Yankees baseball: IT’S A GARDY PARTY FOREVER
Day 56 without Yankees baseball: I missed yesterday but it’s all good because BASEBALL IS GOOD AGAIN
Day 58 without Yankees baseball: I’ve only gotten worse as the offseason goes on
Day 59 without Yankees baseball: 59 days. 99 days left
Day 60 without Yankees baseball: Why couldn’t Luke Voit have announced his number yesterday? 59 on 59
Day 61 without Yankees baseball: Binging the Vampire Diaries again. Still the greatest CW show ever
Day 62 without Yankees baseball: all I want for Christmas is my 26-man roster
Day 63 without Yankees baseball: hello fellow youths. My goal was to create a viral thread
Day 64 without Yankees baseball: I need to change from Football Allison to Baseball Allison because I’m irrationally angry rn
Day 65 without Yankees baseball: I have lost followers and I don’t really care
Day 66 without Yankees baseball: Dellin Betances in a Met. Sad face.
Day 67 without Yankees baseball: Happy Rakeem Christmas Appreciation Day!
Day 69 without Yankees baseball:
Day 70 without Yankees baseball: We’re past the halfway point. And I’m ready for the season even more now.
Day 71 without Yankees baseball: you thought I forgot, eh?
Day 73 without Yankees baseball: SEE YA NEXT DECADE, YA GOONS
Day 74 without Yankees baseball: IS IT BASEBALL SEASON YET?
Day 75 without Yankees baseball: but question from yesterday still stands
Day 76 without Yankees baseball: ugh I can’t DO this anymore!!
Day 77 without Yankees baseball: Someone has taken my offseason thread idea to Facebook. Should’ve patented it.
Day 78 without Yankees baseball: All this postseason energy makes me THAT much more excited for the Fall Classic #isitfallagain
Day 79 without Yankees baseball: I’m fine today because THE BACHELOR IS BACK
Day 80 without Yankees baseball: planning out the trip to Florida for spring training 😊
Day 81 without Yankees baseball: idk what Miguel Andujar was doing this offseason but
Day 82 without Yankees baseball: Hello again
Day 83 without Yankees baseball: Disney movies make me happy
Day 84 without Yankees baseball: Happy “DEZ CAUGHT IT” day! #DezCaughtIt
Day 85 without Yankees baseball: finished You season 2 in record time. Bring back baseball, pls
Day 87 without Yankees baseball: I’m watching college basketball to pass the time. WHO AM I?!
Day 88 without Yankees baseball: Astros news got me thriving before ST
Day 89 without Yankees baseball: For no Yankees baseball, there’s been a lot of talk of Yankees baseball
Day 90 without Yankees baseball: Three months. THREE MONTHS
Day 91 without Yankees baseball: The snow comes to remind us that it’s STILL NOT BASEBALL SEASON
Day 92 without Yankees baseball: I’m going stir-crazy over here...
Day 93 without Yankees baseball: I’m literally dragging over here. I need the outfield grass, the groomed base paths, the lack of trash cans
Day 94 without Yankees baseball: it’s a good day to be a Derek Jeter fan
Day 95 without Yankees baseball: Need to feel the love that is Yankees baseball. That is all.
Day 96 without Yankees baseball: give me ALL the workout videos, please
Day 98 without Yankees baseball: we’re nearing the 100 mark. AH
Day 100 without Yankees baseball: we have hit it. Now we’re getting there, so close
Day 101 without Yankees baseball: well at least we have the Bachelor
Day 104 without Yankees baseball: I’ve been slacking. But SO SOON AH
Day 105 without Yankees baseball: merp
Day 106 without Yankees baseball: We are entering dark days. Keep on swimming...
Day 107 without Yankees baseball: my favorite hobby is watching the Red Sox implode
Day 108 without Yankees baseball: what’s a bigger mess? The Red Sox or The Bachelor?
Day 109 without Yankees baseball: GUYS WE’RE SO CLOSE
Day 112 without Yankees baseball: TWO MORE DAYS UNTIL P+C REPORT AHHHH
Day 113 without Yankees baseball: wow
Day 117 without Yankees baseball: I just need Gerrit Cole on the mound for opening day RN IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?!
Day 118 without Yankees baseball: am I dreaming or is this ridiculous?
Day 122 without Yankees baseball: There may be practice but not games yet...
Day 123 without Yankees baseball: deep breaths, we’re almost there
Day 129 without Yankees baseball: I’m in manic anxiety mode. Need meaningful baseball now
Day 130 without Yankees baseball:
Day 134 without Yankees baseball: it’s been a long haul. We can still do this though
Day 137 without Yankees baseball: I am sad
Day 144 without Yankees baseball: If the Coronavirus gets its way, this thread will be MUCH longer
Day 145 without Yankees baseball: We’re in it for the long haul, people. It’s already been a LONGGGG winter
Day 146 without Yankees baseball: just dreaming of ⚾️ with my fave shirt
Day 147 without Yankees baseball: Finally, an injury that cannot be blamed on the training staff (we think)
Day 148 without Yankees baseball: is this thread about to get even longer because I don’t think my heart can handle it
Day 149 without Yankees baseball: well. Now what?
Day 151 without Yankees baseball: this world just keeps getting crazier
Day 152 without Yankees baseball: spent the day with family. They’re okay, I think. Will confirm more because I’m stuck with them
Day 154 without Yankees baseball: THERE’S NO BASEBALL
Day 155 without Yankees baseball: watching old games now because momma didn’t raise no quitter
Day 157 without Yankees baseball: guys it’s finally here....TOMORROW IS....

Day 158 without Yankees baseball: the thread lives on
Day 160 without Yankees baseball: still watching old games and mentally living in the 2017 season
Day 161 without Yankees baseball: trying to stay positive but it’s tough when there’s no home runs to get me PUMPED
Day 162 without Yankees baseball: I’m not sure how much more I can take of this. Need. Sports. Now.
Day 164 without Yankees baseball: chances I watch the entire Marvel movie series before baseball starts?
Hint: on film #3
Day 167 without Yankees baseball: life just can’t continue like this
Day 168 without Yankees baseball: crying over Major League because I miss the sound of a crowd deep within my soul
Day 169 without Yankees baseball: can’t stop watching tiktok
Day 170 without Yankees baseball: what words are left to describe this pure hell we’re in?
Day 171 without Yankees baseball: it’s been a long haul and I can’t take much more. But...
Day 173 without Yankees baseball: man, it’s like missing your ex right now
Day 174 without Yankees baseball: normally I spent Easter watching baseball so I guess I’ll spend it with my family
Day 175 without Yankees baseball: this is a sad day. Sometimes it just hits harder
Day 176 without Yankees baseball: man, it just keeps getting worse and worse. RIP Hank Steinbrenner
Day 177 without Yankees baseball: you think this is bad? It’s now been 193 days without a Gardy Party video
Day 178 without Yankees baseball: today has been a weird weather day, we probably would’ve had a snow-out
Day 179 without Yankees baseball: it’s a Friday night and my Netflix is buffering. WHY DO BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO GOOD PEOPLE
Day 180 without Yankees baseball: boy oh boy leggo yet
Day 182 without Yankees baseball: considering watching every single game from 2017 that coincides with this year. Win or lose. I need consistency
Day 183 without Yankees baseball: a full season of Criminal Minds in one day. I beg baseball to return so I can stop scaring myself
Day 184 without Yankees baseball: today it was windy. It reminded me of how much I miss seeing outfielders confused by fly balls
Day 187 without Yankees baseball: okay yeah.
Day 188 without Yankees baseball: I’m still going with this thread but it definitely depresses me
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