Cyni’s most cancellable takes:

•There’s no such thing as good or evil, only things that are positive or negative to you personally.

•Otherkin are valid and badass.

•Yes, people have lied about rape and there are people out there who lie about trauma.

•Morals aren’t real.
•The Lolis and pear people aren’t automatically child molesters

•Shaming is shit praxis
•Murder is kinda sexy but I’m not gonna do it I just think it’s sexy
•Anyone who supports the death penalty is a fucking cunt because they refuse to acknowledge that no one chooses to be “malicious” but rather chooses to be what they believe is okay/right
•Science has no place in rationalizing or making sense of fundamentally harmless identities. Humans don’t have to make sense.
•Democracy is tyranny of the majority in most cases
•Civilization as it is today has stripped humanity of its ability to truly be its most passionate
•The word’s sociopath, psychopath and schizo are ableist.
•Consensual rape-play is okay
•Self harm and hard drugs are a personal choice and there’s more nuance to whether or not someone else should get involved in trying to “stop” someone from engaging in those activities
•Hbomberguy is... pretty alright...
•Edgy jokes are okay and can be fucking great if you’re establishing a productive point through the joke.
•If you call trans people “bricks” or “traps”, you are transphobic and you should shut up.
•Cancel culture is real and it doesn’t even work. If anything, it helps. Bad publicity is still publicity.
•You can’t change everyone’s mind. In fact MOST of the time, you can’t change their mind. And you know it. You aren’t debating people on this site to achieve progress, you’re doing it because it’s cathartic. It also satisfies a primal and visceral sadomasochism inside you
•Stop pretending you’re transcendent beings simply because you’re capable of language and intellect. You are nothing more than a mammal and that’s good enough, in fact, it’s fucking cool.
•Furthermore, this delusion of transcendence is limiting to us, because it facilitates the kind of thinking that makes us, for example, want to rationalize away identities based on whether or not they “make sense”
•Ghandi was a cunt
•If you believe in the Law of Attraction, you’re scum to me.
•"Free will" doesn't really make much sense. If all your choices are made based on your judgement and your judgement is informed by your experiences, then even experience dictated by your choices are dictated by previous experiences. It's okay to not have total control.
•Nietzsche was... pretty cool...
•We’re not going to stop climate change, we’re not going to save ourselves. We’re screwed. Pack it in.
•No art should be censored, no matter how repulsive. Furthermore, there’s a difference between deplatforming and censoring that a lot of people miss.
•The Pale Emporer was a good album... I dunno what to tell you, man... it was a good album...
•Pewdiepie isn’t ideologically a Nazi but he’s the best thing to happen to Nazis since Donald Trump. Idiocy is a medium for fascism.
•What Contrapoints said and did is clearly pretty fucking lame but rejecting her outright is stupid because she HAS done a lot for the trans community. She deserves to be criticized and I would expect an apology, but she shouldn’t be dismissed altogether.
•Remember that stuff Bernie said about Bush? That was pretty fucking lame, right?
•Satanists are cool. LaVeyans are pretty lame.
•Bad faith acting is a big problem in leftist circles too.
•Saying “it’s okay to be white” is a racist dog whistle at this point. Especially because it implies that people are saying it’s not okay? We... have it pretty good, bro.
•The EFF (South Africa) isn’t a left wing party.
•There is a sizeable black capitalist class in South Africa that is contributing to nurturing the econmic remnants of apartheid, though not deliberately.
•If you wanna influence drastic change, you need to have a “villain” mentality. Not a “hero” one. You can have a story without a hero but you can’t without a villain. The villain is the harbinger of change. The hero works within the confines of what is already there.
•In other words, you have to break the rules to change things.
You can follow @CyniKay.
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