As black people in America, and as the minority, we are the oppressed.
Also understand that racists, white nationalists, and white supremacists know more about our history than a lot of us do.
So when we are being killed... this GENOCIDE that is happening IS a ‘race thing.’
1. WE (BLACK PEOPLE) are the most (genetically) fertile/ child- bearing people. BUT ALSO understand we have the highest child mortality rate.
Coincidental? Nope.
2. Melanin ENRICHES and acts as a PROTECTANT. We have the richest skin, organs, etc... The majority of us are organ donors- for no particular reason- just cause... And we’re mysteriously being killed.
Coincidence? Nah
3. “Black in black crime” is a normal term, but “white on white,” is not. Even though, statistics show that people in a particular ethnicity are killed mostly by people in that same ethnicity. “Black on Black crime” is a term they use on us... and we fell for it.
4. Our history is dark and disgusting. But it has not always been. We went from LITERALLY running the world, to being enslaved and treated like animals. They saw us EFFORTLESSLY designing and building pyramids and palaces, COMPLETELY self sufficient- and they took that from us.
They beat us, whipped us, used us as bait, mocked us, lynched us, ripped out families apart, boiled and buried us alive, and used our dead bodies as examples... all for “discipline, mockery and entertainment. ENTERTAINMENT.
They made up stories and lied just to make us avoid and forget our history. And it worked.
All these black people being killed... is racism. And racism is not a “crutch” when people are repeatedly dying. At some point, we have to understand that we are witnessing a genocide that has NOT ceased since CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS started killing us.
I ain’t ‘woke.’ I just know my history and SEE the 600 YEAR patterns... And unfortunately, the majority of us can’t see them, because the majority of us don’t know our history.
What’s crazy is, a lot of us are enslaved (mentally) BECAUSE we don’t know our history. & b/c of that fact, we give these folk (the ones killing us) the benefit of the doubt and TRY to ‘think from their points of view.’
NAH. They know what they’re doing. We’re the ones that don’t
I just went in😂 I could actually (believe it or not) say A LOT MORE, but imma stop here lol. Just know that we are the oppressed... and have been for 600 years. #PatternsMatter
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