[Thread] Here is a breakdown of what everyone is thinking in this glorious photo (in the vein of a Guy Ritchie movie intro. Play Klint “Diamond” for full effect)
*record scratch*

Yep, that’s me- Donnie Dementia. I guess you’re wondering how I got into this situation? Well it all started when I manage to lose all the money daddy gave me. Russia was willing to bail me out...
This is General S.C.

He can’t tell you what those initials stand for or else he will have to kill you. He’s known to squeeze his hands like this to resist the temptation to crack the skull of whoever is talking near his left ear (he can’t hear well out of that side)
This is Slippery Steve

He sets up trap doors underneath him wherever he goes so he can slip out undetected. This was taken seconds before he left the meeting below his desk. He’s been know to use this trick to get out of subpoenas as well.
Kremlin Kev

See, Kremlin Kev knows I am Putin’s puppet. He even said so in a closed meeting with Paul Ryan. They meant to “keep it in the family” but it got out. Don’t worry Kev, I know you know you are really Kinky Kev (if you know what I mean). Stay loyal 😉
And there she is, Nancy Pelosi. Or as I like to call her *tilts head* “Nancy”

She’s the one running this bullshit impeachment, but I realize she’s on to me when she said “all roads lead to Putin” and that’s when I snapped and called her a 3rd grade politician and ended the mtg
And I’m the ghost of Thomas Jefferson.

How the fuck is this mad man still in office? I helped shape the US Constitution and I thought we made it crystal clear that this sort of person was exactly who we designed #ImpeachThePres along with removal for!!
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