I’m going to do a TikTok dump of people doing extraordinary things.
Persian scale style! I hope @Beyonce has seen this.
I am obsessed with this woman. I watch her videos all the time.
Has a bigger impact when you watch with sound on
Watch until the end!
I cannot do a single thing this woman does in this video
I can’t stress enough how many teens are doing cool things with camera trickery on TikTok.
I love the way he looks at the camera at the beginning. Like he’s letting us know he’s about to blow our mind.
This is visual ASMR
Sound ON
Tiny little baby splashes
I love this guy so much. Whenever he shows up on TikTok he does the most impossible dance moves. Truly incredible.
One of the coolest things about tiktok is getting exposed to literally the best dancers on the planet. (How does she get up at the end like that?!?!?)
Sound way the heck up
Tbh circus people on TikTok don’t get nearly as many likes as they should.
I want to do this SO BAD
The flexibility!!!!!
Ooooh my god. THE TALENT!!!
Watching Matthew Delonh’s impossible spins have gotten me out of some pretty dark times during this pandemic. I hope he has the same impact on you.
TikTok’s greatest attribute is its ability to connect people together so they can thrive creatively. The dueting video feature is a perfect example of that. (Sound WAY the heck up.)
I love checking in with @beraofficial. He’s always blowing my mind with his amazing talents.
Omg it’s @gentrystein showing off some amazing yo-yo tricks!
You can follow @sallykuchar.
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