who should i play for my next eu4 campaign?
for the uninitiated

sarig yogir is the lowest dev neighbour of ming to the west
solon is the lowest dev horde to the east
democracy's overrated, i'm playing sarig yogir
revisiting an old campaign

cutting chagatai in twain
the long tentacle of sarig yogir
that's enough for today

reached 1530, and sarig yogir has become the strongest horde on the steppes
tasty uzbek meal
expansion is a little limited right now, don't yet have the strength to beat transoxiana or muscovy or defy ming

fortunately oirat just broke our long standing alliance so i can consolidate the steppe
oh god, oh no, not again
1560, time to stop for now

next time, i'll kick the crap out of transoxiana with my 3 tech advantage


okay i couldn't leave transoxiana so smug

fought a long and very brutal war with them (half my country got sieged by rebels, turns out they had twice my troop numbers)

but i managed to feed my vassal kazakh, and then smash oirat again, might try and drive my way to manchu
when the truce expires i'll smash transoxiana again, also next time ming passes a reform i need to cancel my tributary status so i can trigger the undefended borders disaster
honestly the tribute mechanic makes historic sense but it is incredibly annoying

have to deal with not just the tribute pop up every year but also the fact they change the tribute demand sometimes multiple times a year
ming is beaten but certainly not cowed, really wish they'd start imploding
we're number 8 đŸ„ł
we enter the 17th century, well on our way to controlling all mongol territory
fighting china even with all the debuffs it gets from the border crisis, is a nightmare

i don't know why that event that releases shun didn't fire, maybe i was too late
settling kashmir once and for all
war #3 a lot easier, wiped several ming armies

they're history
i don't want to hurt theodoro, they're too precious

but they're in the way...
we're getting close to the landmass of our forebears
the year is 1693, moscow has fallen to the horde
1704, there is no one who can oppose us

we enter the race to conquer as much as possible before the end

stabbed manchu in the back, shall cycle wars between muscovy, mewar, manchu and ming

all begin with m

how poetic
i lied, the one power that can oppose me is the mamluks, so i'll probaby have to leave their client state of iran alone, which is a pity

unless i can find a way to seperate them, because i'd quite like iran
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