Missed my deadline. Said we'd need an internet license with state defined criteria for qualification, plus mandatory monitoring of connected endpoints.

Said 10 years. We made it in 12 https://twitter.com/hackermaderas/status/1182292072591699968
Normalising surveillance, like the man says.

Easiest where people are or can be made vulnerable by making healthcare, housing, food aid, ability to vote and other fundamental things dependent on uptake.

Also see #Aadhaar in India and #PSC for info. https://twitter.com/PrivacyMatters/status/1184362512583667712?s=20
All related...

Creating ubiquitous infrastructure to serve stated personal (Echo, Nest, Ring, SIM Reg) or public sector purposes (Terrorism, Paedophilia) that opens the door and creeps into so much more #NormalisingSurveillance #Privacy https://twitter.com/TrialByTruth/status/1183295734621364225?s=20
More #NormalisingSurveillance by letting rollout ride until it’s gone too far to stop for a whole raft of reasons https://twitter.com/SPCoulson/status/1184369766095642624?s=20

Great question: Effective independent, non-political, accountable, strong, and protected overseers with adequate time and resources to investigate both justification and near/mid/far horizon implications 1/2
Adequately informed judiciary, legislature, state, and executive to understand and act upon findings.

Adequate checks and balances to prevent bypassing of limits on power of any one body before oversight can catch up.
Except in situations of imminent threat, where rights infringement is tactically justified, easily reversible and actively rolled back when threat recedes
Otherwise a moratorium until both regulators and state bodies have clarity on rules and means to effectively enforce now and ongoing (a point in time assessment is pointless as soon as published) IF the balance between need and rights infringement is defensible struck.
All that, in the UK at least, is arguably in place in principle, but regulators and oversight bodies are seeing a corner of the rolling tide and lacking or losing enforcement teeth...
...just when our govt. is busy generating the ends that will be argued to justify the persistent surveillance means. Building on top of an already huge and a growing surveillance ecosystem.

As always would welcome being proved wrong.
Dr D’s considerably less verbose and practical suggestions https://twitter.com/DanielGDresner/status/1184377351041368064?s=20
Great thread exploring the cognitive bias with mass surveillance. “Even if only one life is saved!” Vs ratcheting erosion of privacy and other rights.

The former is hearts, the latter is minds, and the former always wins the PR fight https://twitter.com/bricksilk/status/1306141144854802432?s=20
This threadzilla is about our main fear: That measures, tolerated due to unprecedented threats, won’t be reversed.

It captures the deliberate destruction or weakening of bodies that should limit govt excess and persistence of rights infringement. https://twitter.com/TrialByTruth/status/1240280737322020866?s=20
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