i think one of the main reasons why kpop artists have ‘failed’ in the west prior to bts is because a group would become super successful in korea, and their company would think right!! let’s try america!! so they go over and start promoting expecting immediate success when it +
just doesn’t work like that. they needed to treat it as a second debut and go through the same years (maybe a bit more) in america as they did in korea to build up their fanbase just as any budding american artist would do.
kpop companies gave up so easily, like if there wasn’t immediate success, it was a complete failure. bts weren’t in that position because their global fanbase grew parallel (perhaps a little higher) to their korean one so they already had an immensely strong fanbase to start
out with as soon as they stepped foot in america to promote properly for the first time. they didn’t have to worry about solidifying their fanbase in america because it was already secure. the companies of every group that’s tried to go over and promote in the us has still had
that same mentality as before, like they expect one performance on daytime tv to lead to a million album sales. there is no “get rich quick” scheme for genuine success in the west. you wanna fake it? go ahead, exploit the loopholes in the systems and scam your way in,
but that doesn’t secure career longevity. besides, the fruits of your labour taste much sweeter when you do things properly.
to me it seems as though in this particular case with SM is that they just want the bb #1 for bragging rights and aren’t really concerned with what’s in the best interests of the actual group and its members. the group deserve a hell of a lot better in my opinion.
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