h/t to those throwing around this name a week or so ago, including @Larry_Beech and @JackPosobiec. If confirmed, this is just more evidence that the information age has made it so the ruling cabal will never regain it's grip, in that behind every keyboard lies a journalist. #KAG
BREAKING: Alleged #Whistleblower Eric Ciaramella ran the meeting that @jsolomonReports was "one of the earliest documented efforts to build the now-debunked Trump-Russia collusion narrative". @AndriyUkraineTe please confirm. https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/briefing-room/disclosures/visitor-records https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/440730-how-the-obama-white-house-engaged-ukraine-to-give-russia-collusion
@AndriyUkraineTe, who was mentioned in the #WhistleblowerComplaint and a #Whistleblower himself, confirms that he met with Eric Ciaramella in the January 19, 2016 meeting. Nazar Kholodnytskyy attended the meeting and was also mentioned in the complaint as well.
PS, according to her @LinkedIn, Svitlana Pardus is still a Program Assistant at the US Embassy in Kiev. https://ua.linkedin.com/in/svitlana-pardus-99149849
PPS: Telizhenko confirmed to me that Liz Zentos attended the 1/19/16 meeting. She was a State Department official under Clinton, involved in Ukrainian affairs, and served alongside Ciaramella at the NSC as Director for Easter Europe. h/t @JackPosobiec https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/09STATE93861_a.html
@nick_weil surmises that it's Liz Zentos who confirms to @petestrzok that "the White House is running this" on 8/5/16. Coincidentally, nine days later the @nytimes reports on the release of the Manafort Black Ledger... https://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/15/us/politics/paul-manafort-ukraine-donald-trump.html https://twitter.com/nick_weil/status/1183891840660992001
Tonight, @IngrahamAngle, @LeeSmithDC, and @KimStrassel reported on the January 19, 2016 Ciaramella/Zentos meeting with Ukrainian prosecutors. @kenvogel/ @nytimes have most likely sat on this story, since May 1, 2019, to protect the #Whistleblower.

Video: https://video.foxnews.com/v/video-embed.html?video_id=6125736869001&ref=twitter.com
"On January 19, 2016, there was a meeting between Obama Administration officials and Ukrainian prosecutors" - @PamBondi

@jsolomonReports has published that meeting agenda and called "attention to the NSC organizer of the meeting". (h/t @15poundstogo) https://johnsolomonreports.com/responding-to-lt-col-vindman-about-my-ukraine-columns-with-the-facts/
@IngrahamAngle reports that @kenvogel's May 1, 2019 request to the @StateDept mentions, "Karen Greenaway from @TheJusticeDept, Eric Ciaramella from the NSC, and Kenneth Blanco from FINCEN". The agenda omits Greenaway's name, but she is probably one of the "FBI representatives".
In 2016 Karen Greenaway was "one of the lead agents in the Manafort investigation in Ukraine", who recently joined Soros's AntAC supervisory board. The FBI was collaborating with AntAC as Yovanovitch pressured Lutsenko to not prosecute the group's founder. https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/435906-us-embassy-pressed-ukraine-to-drop-probe-of-george-soros-group-during-2016
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