Glenn smears me (again) as a liar for suggesting that his boss-- CIA-linked billionaire Pierre Omidyar--influences the Intercept's reporting and influenced the closure of the Snowden archive. Greenwald's OWN words contradict this claim completely, see below.
Greenwald claims that it is a "total delusion" to think Omidyar affects Intercept's reporting. Here's what Greenwald said in 2007 about billionaire owners of media outlets. Now that Greenwald gets $500k per year from Omidyar, does he now reject these past statements of his?
Greenwald lent his reputation and the publicity of Snowden's disclosures to the Intercept, funded entirely by Omidyar. Below is what Omidyar said about whistleblowers in 2009, he calls them "thieves" which is the US govt line.
Now, two of the Intercept's whistleblower sources are in prison and one more is about to be. All were burnt by the negligence of Intercept reporters, known of whom were fired. The reporter who outed Reality Winner had previously burned @JohnKiriakou but was hired anyway.
Greenwald now claims that only Betsy Reed decided to close Snowden archive. Intercept co-founder Laura Poitras said that both Greenwald & Scahill were involved & Greenwald wanted to keep it quiet because it might "look bad". Is Poitras a "liar" too Glenn?
The "official" reason Glenn gave at the time was "cost" even though Poitras said it was 1.5% of company budget. Glenn makes $500K/yr and Omidyar is worth more than $12 billion. If Omidyar funds the company and the reason for closing the archive was cost, how was he not involved?
"The Snowden collection had become problematic to Omidyar as he positioned himself as a key player in USAID’s ‘soft power’ strategy to wean the world from ‘extremism’ with massive doses of private and public monies. The classified NSA documents may not have been a problem ..."
under the Obama White House, where Omidyar enjoyed privileged status. But under Trump, whose Justice Department has gone beyond Obama’s attacks on whistleblowers by pursuing Julian Assange and WikiLeaks, holding on to the Snowden cache may had become a liability.” -- @TimothyS
At the time of closure, Glenn said he was looking for “the right partner … that has the funds to robustly publish” rest of the archive (around 90% of docs). Now look at what he said after he smeared me as a liar.
In a few months, Greenwald has gone from promising to publish rest of the docs to saying that the vast majority of docs are "banal" and not in public interest. Why should we take your word Glenn, when you get half a million/yr from a regime change billionaire?
Why does Greenwald only smear me for this position when former intercept writers Barrett Brown, @KenSilverstein1 and other journalists likes @TimothyS @MarkAmesExiled and @yashalevine and even Assange have raised the same questions? (also @MoonofA )
I may be a "small fry" compard to you Glenn but your smears won't stop me from holding your feet to the fire. You lent your reputation to Omidyar/the Intercept, now Reality Winner and Terry Albury are in prison and Daniel Hale is about to join them as a consequence.
Winner, Albury and Hale went to TI because of your reputation and Snowden archive. Now their lives are ruined because there was no accountability at the Intercept and its owner calls ppl like them "thieves." You sold out, time to own it. Smear me as a "liar" all you want.
Also, Glenn's boss Omidyar is a key funder of major initiatives to silence independent media outlets, including "the Trust Project" and the ADL's Cyber Hate Lab that decides how to change big tech algos. Could this be why Glenn cont to smear me and Mintpress?
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