You get in relationships to LEARN how to love each other, you're not suppose to automatically know. People assume this and are too quick to break up
In relationships we learn each others likes and dislikes, arguments are for growing...after the space you should feel closer if it's real love
It's easy to give up and flee if things aren't working, but you'll end up dealing with the same issues with different ppl if you don't learn the lesson you're meant to learn with the person you're currently with
Growing together is essential in relationships. You will either grow together or grow apart. But knowing if it's true love or just attachment is key
If the relationship doesn't help you grow or evolve and become a higher version of yourself , but does the opposite , maybe that's just attachment and not true love
Of course we shouldn't depend on anyone other than ourselves to evolve , but if you decide to be committed in a relationship the person you're with should be helping your growth not stunting it
I stopped holding grudges against the people I loved who hurt me...I see now they just did the best they could with what THEY knew, that's forgiveness
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