The life and the character of Donald Trump
First off - yes, I am a liberal, but I am not the caricature of liberals that conservative media wants you to believe in and be afraid of.
I was born and raised in a small town in the south. My first job was working in tobacco fields as a high school summer job.
Woody Guthrie wrote a song about Fred Trump’s racist housing habits.
Trump is the child of a slumlord who then went on to run pyramid schemes, fake schools, fake charities, sell cheap Chinese-made goods, and to do everything - legal and otherwise - to promote a false image of himself and his family, and then try to capitalize on that name.
Trump also has a habit of lying about being charitable. In 1996, he went to a public charity event for kids with AIDS, pretending to be one of the top donors to the charity. He sat in the chair of a real donor, and danced. But he never donated a dime:
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