Maybe I’ll make a thread of hard and boring grown-up things I do so I can remember them easily.

Today’s: I went to my primary care doc, got my flu shot, and followed up on her referrals to PT.
I ran the dishwasher today
I finally went to get my analog watch battery and band replaced because I’m tired of wearing an Apple Watch
I started the process for rolling my old employer 401ks over to my new one. I’m annoyed I’ll have to forward checks on and also will be very glad to have less cognitive clutter
I picked up my analog watch! Also I did FOUR loads of laundry (which meant so many stairs going down to the basement and back up).

Maybe tomorrow I’ll tackle dealing with an old, abandoned bank account.
📦 I shipped something I’d been putting off shipping since Aug 30.

💳 I dealt with an old bank account I wasn’t sure about the status of.

🗑 I emptied the paper shredder.


(The hashtag comes from how frequently I mistype my own name on my phone as “Satan.”)
💻 I did a laptop software update.

📶 I installed a new modem and WiFi router so we can stop renting the Comcast one, and also so our internet is faster.

🌱 I groomed a couple of my houseplants that haven’t been doing as well.

✉️ I received my 401k rollover checks and forwarded them on.

✈️ I booked my flights for a speaking engagement next month.

💳 I paid my credit card bill.

🦵🏻I went to my first physical therapy appt for my leg pain.

👓 I picked up my new glasses.

💻 I cleaned out my inboxes for the first time since I started my new job.

💻 Did a MacOS update
📱 Did an iOS update
💓 Scheduled my tilt table test

🙃 Went to the doctor about a potential acute infection

🧹 Tidied up so our cleaner would be able to clean

It’s been a minute but Satan is still doing chores around here:

🍴 I had a consultation with a dietitian
📱 I dealt with a correspondence I’d been putting off

🦷 Went to the dentist and told them about gastroparesis; got an RX for FRUIT-FLAVORED (gross) extra-strength toothpaste

🦷 Brushed my teeth with the FRUIT-FLAVORED toothpaste

🍽️ Prepped the dishwasher for a load of dishes

🦵 Went to physical therapy. It hurt

📝 Wrote an email to our rental management company with feedback about the new, inaccessible package policy

🗣 Had a hard conversation I had been putting off for a long time

💸 Submitted a few HRA claims

✍🏻 Wrote a (really awful) first draft of a future blog post

🇫🇷 Practiced my French

#SatansChores insomnia edition
🧦 So much laundry omg

☎️ Called my insurance company to check coverage for the dietitian tomorrow

👖 Returned a pair of suit pants I ordered recently that were too big despite being the smallest size

💊 Picked up my thyroid rx a few days early instead of waiting till I'm out

😣 Made a food diary in Notion. It was traumatic.

🧹 Pre-tidied before the cleaner got here

👩🏼‍⚕️ Had a first appt with a GI-focused dietitian

💻 cleaned out my personal and work inboxes

💸 canceled a subscription I wasn’t using

✍🏻 have actually been filling out my food diary

👖 did three loads of laundry (so many stairs and my heart isn’t happy 🙃)

🍽 emptied the dishwasher

🔒 Went through my password manager to remove duplicates, reset many of them, and deleted a bunch of accounts I didn’t need anymore

💻 Cleaned up my desktop

📂 Organized my Google Drive

🚿 Washed my hair

💻 Made some adjustments to my website so Twitter summary cards work now

✉️ Sent my food diary to my dietitian

🛏️ Washed our bedding

👖 Did a load of clothing laundry

🍽️ Ran the dishwasher

🥛 Made a protein milkshake and then cleaned up the vitamix after (which felt hard)

🍽 Put the dishes away

👖 Put my clothes away

📞 Called the pharmacy to check on the status of a couple of medications

🩺 Messaged my doctor about a referral

🧹 Tidied my desk area

👟 Put all my shoes (that were piling up by the door) away

🌱 Water and groomed my plants

👕 Organized laundry so it'll be easier to do when I have the energy to do it

📞 Called Comcast about a billing error

 🙃 Made a huge, life-changing health decision to follow my doctor's recommendation and wowowow I am done making decisions for like 5 years

👕 Finally did all the laundry I organized 6 days ago

It was a lot.

📞 Called and scheduled the consultation with my future feeding tube surgeon

🍽 Ran the dishwasher

🧦 Folded a bunch of socks while Robbie folded my other clothes

👕 Put all my clothes away

🧹 A lot of other tidying/directing of tidying

Resurrecting this thread of hard things.

📞 called my insurance company to update my address with them

💳 dealt with a credit card block-related thing that I let sit for a month

You can follow @SarahEsterman.
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