Thread// (1/9) I have been called many names by those in some comments on facebook today, many of which imply that they believe there is no way someone could be defending the prophets out of their own free will and not just by "blind obedience." #DezNat #ChurchofJesusChrist
(2/9) So, I want to share with you a couple of experiences that solidified my testimony of prophets and apostles.
(3/9) When I was 5 or 6 years old, Pres Oaks came to my city. He was staying with my grandparents because general authorities used to stay with local church leaders and my gpa was stake president at the time. So our parents dressed all of us kids up, and took us to meet him.
(4/9) I don't remember much of that meeting but I can distinctly remember him looking at me straight in the eye and saying "I love you and Heavenly Father loves you." The spirit confirmed it to me and even as a little kid, I knew there was something special about him.
(5/9) 12 years later, I was leaving on a mission to Cleveland, Ohio. I knew I had a testimony that the church was true but, I don't think I had adequately prepared myself. On my first morning in Cleveland, our mission president took all of us greenies to Kirtland.
(6/9) We toured the Kirtland temple and the rest of the Kirtland sites. Then we ended the tour in the school of the prophets. We were all invited to kneel there and offer up a prayer to "start our mission." In that moment, I felt I needed a greater confirmation in my testimony...
(7/9) ... of Joseph Smith and of modern-day prophets in general. I was blessed in that moment to feel a strong confirmation that Joseph Smith was indeed a prophet and with that, so were the modern-day apostles and prophets
(8/9) My witness was so strong that I could not deny it. Many people met on my mission attempted to destroy that testimony, telling me strange things about the prophet. But I didn't care if they were true or not, what he taught was true.
(9/9) So you can say I "blindly follow" the prophet, but I don't. I FAITHFULLY follow them. Even when I may not understand, I have faith that they are called of God and are His mouthpieces. So, I will defend them. Always. #DezNat
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