>> “Jazz hasn’t been herself for months now,” the source told Radar. “She was not in the right position to be starting school and living on her own.” <<

UNPOSSIBLE! We were promised that chemical castration and surgical mutilation would result in Jazz Jennings "FINDING HERSELF"
>> “She’s not happy,” the source said. “Jazz has told friends that she has things anyone in her position would want: money, the perfect female body. But she’s just not happy. Somewhere down the line she’s lost herself." <<

Wait, we were told this was her ONLY path to happiness!
We were told that Jazz's ONLY issue was being "BORN IN THE WRONG BODY," that chemical castration & surgical mutilation would resolve all of Jazz's problems, that anyone who said otherwise was a TERRIBLE NO-GOODNIK and transphobic bigot who wanted Jazz Jennings to kill herself.
All of this was totally predictable -- and predicted -- but anyone who questioned the new gender orthodoxy was systematically silenced, shouted down, harassed, de-platformed, intimidated, denounced.

We were told it was to "protect trans kids." It has not protected them at all.
Who could have predicted that telling children "you were born in the wrong body" would have negative outcomes?

Other than absolutely everyone who got shut down for gender thoughtcrimes -- like saying "men are not women" -- who could have predicted it?

What are the apologists and enthusiastic promoters of this gender cult going to do when transition does not resolve Jazz Jennings's mental health issues? What will they say if/when Jazz laments the complete, permanent loss of all sexual function? https://people.com/tv/jazz-jennings-worries-she-wont-like-sex-vagina/
When (not if) the chemical castration/surgical mutilation regime fails to magically resolve mental illness and depression in what was almost certainly a gay male, how will the rainbows-and-glitter brigade explain it?

You already know the answer, folks! https://www.thepublicdiscourse.com/2018/04/21220/ 
As always, they will blame the TERFs and transphobia. As always.

It was people like me, predicting this inevitable outcome, who are at fault.

Because we are just horrible people with medieval attitudes who hate trans kids and want them to die.

See how that works?
There are hundreds, indeed thousands of young people already regretting their gender transition. Cast out of their former trans community, derided as "not really trans," this group is no longer content to stay in the shadows.

They will not be silenced. https://twitter.com/charlie_sci/status/1165369008801091589
Who do you suppose will end up paying the political butcher's bill for all this madness when it comes due?

Hint: it will not be conservatives, Republicans, or right wing culture warriors.

You, dear progressive. It will be you left holding this bloodstained bag.
As the medical malpractice awards begin to pile up -- many of them probably with the aid of conservative legal organizations -- it will be liberals and Democrats who get tarred with responsibility for all the damaged children.

There will be hell to pay, and they will pay it.
I invariably find that support for the new gender religion is a mile wide and an inch deep, that good people simply want to be on "the right side of history." They have not considered the possibility that history may not play out according to the prophecies of trans activists.
This is just ONE issue I have with the new gender orthodoxy. I will discuss others on some other day. But this ONE issue ought to be enough, really. Who would support chemical castration & surgical mutilation of children based on a flimsy premise? https://twitter.com/mlaidlawmd/status/1028071854764777472
You can ignore this. You can pretend it's not happening. You can rationalize it.

You cannot prevent the bill from coming due. It is receivable right now, the payment date is sooner than you think, and it will be the "trans kids" you least expect who deliver the invoice.

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