I guess you could say the reuniting the OOTS has some ASSEMBLY REQUIRED
I'm sorry
I guess Soren was in THE LAST PLACE YOU would LOOK
You could also say that the main characters were stuck between A BLOCK AND A HARD PLACE
Well, I guess it was time to ORDER UP!
The New OOTS sure did go through A PORTAL TO MYSTERY
You could say that PAMA's core's ACCESS was DENIED
I guess Episode 8 was A JOURNEY'S END?
I guess you could say that Jesse's the current HERO IN RESIDENCE
Oh wow, Jesse and the gang really did have some GIANT CONSEQUENCES
How about we play that song, JAILHOUSE BLOCK?
The Underneath really was BELOW THE BEDROCK
Gee, I guess Telltale really went ABOVE AND BEYOND in the last episode
(Not really it felt anti-climactic imo)
I apologize for this entire thread
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