literally laughed out loud
wE aRe UnReGuLatAbLe!!!!!
"That's a little hollow"
Ah, the classic non-defense defense
"we have no fiduciary duty or otherwise with respect to Tether customers" - Tethers customers remember this.
There's a platform called Poloniex.



this judge is really funny, tbh, I like him
This isn't a normal secondary market
"Does there come a point where the disposition of dollars is high enough that people would be at real risk if they think that whatever is backing Tether doesn't exist?

Answer: Customers have no rights, your honor.

Castiglione pretty funny, too

"I'll hear about it from my boss if I don't make the point."
essentially, we're not in pre-action because we don't have dirt - we're in pre-action because we want even more dirt rn
This is good: "we would contend that this injunction should be limited to the line of credit, to the letter of credit only."

@dividebynine - nifty how they don't want a real audit, huh?
TL; DR (and this is all out already, we just have a transcript now) injunction granted, with conditions. Seems like Finex/Tether's main point (over and over) is there is no jurisdiction. Period. Anywhere.

Court's point and AG's point is Finex can't seem to prove that.
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