Dear South African Celebs,

start supporting us ordinary citizens on important issues & start showing solidarity,

we would have helped you with your EXPLOITATION matters long time ago,

drop the celebrity status & actually have UBUNTU.

Beyonce did it, Tyler Perry did it too.
1. South African celebrities need to learn what SOLIDARITY means,


being a celeb has never paid the bills.

Being human does, helping one another gets us further than just standing alone.

Perhaps these things shall teach UBUNTU! ✊🏾
3. SA celebs must learn COLLECTIVE ACTIVISM,

if the only time you raise your voice has to do with your selfish desires,

the masses shall never be moved nor motivated to help you.

Learn to use your celeb power to better the lives of many, they will carry you when in despair.
5. I mean who exploits someone driving a Bentley & always dressed in LV,

always living lavish in expensive hotels,

it's hard to see through the mask when all you ever do is sell us a PERFECT LIFESTYLE.

You hardly ever care about issues faced in South Africa, so then?
4. All SA celebs ever do is to brag about their "fortunes",

we are under the impression that you are all wealthy & are doing well,

maybe if you stop hiding behind fake masks & start being human - we could live together & support one another.

BE UBUNTU about it.✊🏾
2. If you keep quiet during important times,

then don't expect us to support you during difficult periods,

you teach us how to treat you.

The fact that post 25 years into democracy y'all are still being exploited has little to do with GOV. INTERVENTION.

You are to blame!
6. The only celeb we have seen care about real issues has to be Sho Madjozi,

she speaks up & is fearless about it.

If she cried about being exploited we would definitely hear her cries differently,

it slaps differently from someone who genuinely cares about SA! ✊🏾
LET'S PUSH FOR THE MHM BILL for young girls & womxn!✊🏾

Join the urgent call for RSA Government @CyrilRamaphosa @Tito_Mboweni @PresidencyZA to Legislate Menstrual Health & Hygiene Management in SA! #TeamFreeSanitaryPads - Sign the Petition!  via @Change
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