finn is the biggest example of wasted potential for a character i have ever seen and i can attribute all of it to antiblackness
like you have all the building blocks there with finn and his identity and what it means to him having had no outlet of personal expression, his idea of family, how incredibly skilled he is in combat (he was phasmas best cadet!!!), i could go on
you have a stormtrooper who defected because he had too much empathy and thats what seperated him from the others, not his lack of skill, his empathy. And finn always gets played off as some loveable goof and im just like.... the range, its there but no one is letting it happen
there is absolutely no reason for a character with so many viable notes to keep getting shelved like this, other than the fact that hes black
tlj made him some big dumb baby who couldnt wrap his head around child slavery and oppression and "picking a side" and shit... like Finn. Finn, the child soldier. I mean it just doesnt make any sense, the cards are all there, literally just fucking write
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