Happy #WorldOctopusDay!

If everyone knew how intelligent, capable, sneaky, social, empathetic, talented, curious, and emotional octopuses are, we would think twice before eating them.

Here’s a thread about the wonders of the octopus:

Octopuses are so smart, they can watch a fellow octopus figure out to open a puzzle box with a crab inside—and then repeat the right steps in the right order to open the box themselves on the first try.

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Octopuses are sneaky. One aquarium-dweller was repeatedly sneaking out of his tank at night and into the fish tank, enjoying a meal, then sneaking back home.

Here’s a Houdini who can escape from inside a jar with the lid screwed on.

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Octopuses recognize & relate to other individuals, even of different species. They greet favorite humans by flushing with color & reaching out to caress them.

Here’s a wild octopus who came back to thank humans who saved his life.

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Octopuses can be caring, empathetic, and brave. One had escaped from his tank and found the drain pipe leading to the ocean, and freedom.

But he came back to the tank to get his friend, freeing her too.

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Octopuses are the true masters of disguise. They can change color, pattern & texture to match the surface below.

And their “moving rock” trick allows them to move invisibly across the ocean floor, matching the speed of the current.

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Octopuses are so smart and curious that they need stimulation. Putting them in an empty tank is like putting a person in solitary confinement. They lose the will to live. But people trying to farm them don’t care.

#WorldOctopusDay 9/11 https://mobile.twitter.com/wef/status/1175767962638258179
People torture octopuses. Some Korean and Japanese restaurants serve live octopus, and some tourists eat it for the shock value.

The octopuses struggle to escape as they are being cooked to death or hacked apart alive.

#WorldOctopusDay 10/11 https://metro.co.uk/2016/11/21/should-eating-live-octopus-be-made-illegal-6272296/
Please don’t eat octopuses, and please let your friends know how amazing these fellow beings are.

If this thread moved you, kindly RT.

#WorldOctopusDay 11/11
Name one other species that gives you "pinnacle of wizardry" and "furry turkey with human legs"

Fellow sci-fi fans and and octophiles, @aptshadow's Children of Ruin will bend your brain! Like a sweet, warm yoga session. Highly recommended.

& start with his brilliant prequel, the award-winning Children of Time

Happy #WorldOctopusDay! 🐙
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