there are so many ppl saying that pan was invented in like the 2000s bc bi ppl love the Binary but pan was coined in the 1900s by sigmund frued, who believed all attraction (pan) was sexual in nature. which is a hot take, but it was then reworked to become biphobic (cont)
in the 2000s when it became "men, women, and trans people" and eventually the weird "hearts not parts", which have all played into biphobia. it also spread misinfo that bisexual was just "men and women" and eventually just "2 genders period", neither of which are true! (cont)
bisexuality CAN mean 2 but it can also mean all. literally the definition of "loves people of all genders" or w/e applies to bisexuality. bi ppl who DO have a preference are often survivors of trauma who impact that preferance, but its not their obligation to declare that (cont)
which is why saying things like "bi people are just pan people w a preference" is untrue, and also othering. the label of bi allows bi ppl w and w/o a prefernce to exist together WITHOUT scrutiny. thats why separating bi and pan can be dangerous, (cont)
as people with a preference could be that way bc of trauma, and should not have a specific label. people with trauma don't need to be labeled as that. they should be allowed to exist alongside other ppl of the same sexuality without an asterisk. but in the 2000s... (cont)
people w preference (say, bi women who wouldnt date cis men due to trauma) were invalidated bc of trauma and called binarists, which lead to the rise of pansexual as a term to further push bi ppl to the fringe. this also created a lot of transphobia, as trans ppl were (cont)
separated from cis people as a separate gender. the definition was that pansexuality was love of "men, women, trans men and trans women" to further "break the binary", but literally focused on invalidating trans people instead. the definition of bi never claimed this, (cont)
and thus the incorrect definition of bisexual was literally created BY the people who reworked the term pansexual to attempt to further use of their term, even pushing ppl who identified as bi for years to suddenly drop a label that had history and identity (cont)
TL;DR: bi people are at liberty to say that the definition of bi is: attracted to ppl regardless of gender, and this term is correct. it doesn't make them pan. it just means they don't support othering bi ppl who may have a preference into a separate group
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