In 2016, Trump posted a photo of himself that gave away more than he intended. An open desk drawer revealed box after box of Sudafed, piled on top of one another.
Even stranger, although the photo was taken in New York, the boxes include a type that is only sold in the United Kingdom, with a different box and distinctive ingredients not found in the U.S.
Sudafed is sometimes used for a high that includes increased alertness, but also has a side effect of pupil dilation.
Abuse of this drug was rare, but in order to limits its abuse, regulations were passed limiting the frequency in which an individual could purchase it, and requiring the individual show ID.
The desk drawer full of Sudafed, including boxes in New York purchased in the UK indicate that the legal limits of purchase are being circumvented, and that the then-candidate Trump was abusing Sudafed for its high rather than its decongestant effect.
Beyond pupil dilation, more serious side effects include hallucinations and paranoid psychosis.

It is very concerning for the entire planet that someone with access to nuclear weapons is showing signs of abusing a drug that leads to paranoid psychosis.
A desk drawer full of a controlled substance, however benign, shows signs that someone is systematically circumventing the law. The side effects of a cold drug are particularly concerning in this case, and this is a threat to the security of the United States and the world. [END]
Note: These observations are not original or complete.
@CaslerNoel has posted on this previously, with additional details and deserves all credit for noticing this earlier.
In response to many who have wondered if the photo is real, it is still up on Trump's Twitter timeline.

Other quirks noted:
• At last five photographs of himself.
• A photo of his ex-wife in a bikini from when she was 22 years old.
• Two fake Oscars.
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