Thread of random facts about me that no one asked for:
I'm right-handed but I play pool left-handed and I can shoot a bow equally well left or right-handed
The first time I used a power tool was when I was 2 years old and I drilled a hole into our brand new couch
I started driving when I was 14. my dad taught me how so that when he had to go pick up a car for someone, I could follow him back with his car. he gave me the spare keys and let me drive his car whenever he rode his motorcycle
I had my own car at 16 but only had my learner's permit and I rarely drove with an adult so still illegal 🤷🏼‍♂️ I didn't get my license until I was 18. I passed my test first try then went skydiving later that same day. that was my first time in a plane
When I was 14 I got hit by a car while skateboarding and thrown across the road. I tore my arm up pretty bad but I didn't feel a thing and stood right back up. I didn't break any bones even though the car hit me in the ribs.
I am very cool and fun to be around
I grew a five-foot tall marijuana plant in my bedroom when I was 12 years old
I have REALLY hairy legs but it's hard to tell because it's blonde. from 10+ feet away it looks like they're shaved
finally adding more to this thread:

I got suspended from school for "fighting" two years in a row
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