With today being the anniversary, I felt it was about time that I went ahead and shared my thoughts as to why I love this film, the big reasoning being the age of which I saw it and such.

Why I Love "Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers." 🎃

A thread:

Just on the cusp of October, the weather just approaching the perfect seasonal sensibility. Not too hot, not too cold, but just right to take in a horror movie...especially my first outing seeing Myers on the big screen.
Up to that point it had been relegated to almost weekly VHS rentals from the local video store, one which clearly did not care about the age guideline when it came to purchases of certain film ratings.
I may have only been 9 years old at the time of its theatrical release, but this wasn't my first foray into big screen terror. Back in 1991, my horror-loving Mother had taken my older brother and I to see the third outing in the "Child's Play" franchise.
My childhood is rooted deep in the genre, if this write up hasn't made it abundantly clear. The go-to theatre for our almost weekly movie going trips in the early to mid 90's was the Loews Theater located at Assembly Square in Somerville, MA.
Any film that came out from 1990-1997? That was where we went...so many cinematic memories took place there for me, and sadly was demolished many years ago.
Anyway, one thing I need to point out is this: even though I was a horror movie loving child, it wasn't until I was older that I realized I had childhood anxiety. Absolutely anytime I went to the movies, before it even started, I suffered extreme stomach pains and nervousness.
But once the previews started? I was good to go. Nervous? Yes. Scared? Of course. But also excited. This was to be the very FIRST time I would see the quintessential boogeyman up on the big screen. The same one, who when I was 5 years old, scared me via "Halloween" on VHS.
I sat in the dark theatre, with my Mom and older brother...waiting for the horror to unfold. Even at that young age, I really wondered how they'd explain 'The Man in Black,' let alone the events of the end of H5 that so many people had been waiting on.
As the film unfolded before my young eyes, I was mixed with emotions of amazement, confusion, and fun. It was great to see Michael on screen, and this one felt like they nailed the look of the season in my eyes. Did I understand the "revelation" at the time? Not quite.
Chalk it up to the time it was released, my age, or whatever you want...this is one instantly became one of my favorites, and still is to this day. I experienced the whole "another version exists" years, and took so long for me to find it back then.
I've seen this entry get dragged through the mud, but as I've gotten older, more fans have come out of the woodwork and praise it just as I did all those years ago. The PC was given the special treatment it deserved as well.
In closing...

That was my experience which led me to love Halloween 6, still do, and will until my dying day. Certain films just happen to come around at a particular point in our lives...and "Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers" is the one for me.

/end thread. 🎃đŸ”Ș
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