Who am I..?

I'm Sir Gareth of Orkney, yes but...

What am I? Who have I become?

The 'Camelot' singularity, the Lion King... I was used like a tool, given the gift of 'impurity' in hopes to protect me.

It didn't.

I've the blood of countless brothers and sisters on my hands...
...all in the name of 'service' to my King.

She wasn't my King... I followed Sir Lancelot, my brothers Sir Agravain, Sir Gawain, Sir Mordred... Sir Gaheris was right to be suspicious, but we didn't give him long to voice his protests.

We cut them down, all of them...
Is that all I've become? A tool, a weapon for others to use?

The Lion King, a Master during Holy Grail war after Holy Grail war? Summoned by some other Singularity, corrupted and sent to fight against humanity?

I'd like to think people can change... that 'servants' can change..
I feel everyone should get a second chance, an opportunity for redemption.

Sins can't be scrubbed out, no matter how much one tries... my hands were stained in blood, after each battle I scrubbed my skin raw, til they'd turned recognizably blackened.

Can I still do some good..?
I'm tired of killing... Slaying monsters is one thing, but people..? Fellow knights, women, children, practically defenseless humans...

I want to help others, defend those who can't help themselves.

I don't want to hurt anymore, take pain away...

I want to heal people.
// Image source (I edited it, tried my best to redraw what sections I felt I could)
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