In addition, there are some things about me you should probably know before you decide to continue following me:
-My politics skew hard "left"/anarchist-ish (but I hate committing to a label because I don't think that's really how political practice works, only philosophy)
-A n t i f a is good
-I think everyone has the right to housing, healthcare, fresh food and clean water 1/n
-I am non-spiritual, but I don't shit on people who are
-That said, if your religion tells you that oppressing people is good for any reason, fuck that particular part of it
-The USA should not exist. Control of the land should be returned to its indigenous nations
-Vaccines work. Get yourself and your kids vaccinated unless you have a medical/financial reason preventing you from doing so
-Our oceans are warming past the point of no return unless we take drastic and painful measures
-Science is extremely important, but it is also colonized and needs a ton of work.
-I like video games but most people who call themselves "gamers" are gross
-Cats > Dogs don't @ me
-Final Fantasy VIII is the best FF don't @ me
Any problems with any of that, you probably don't wanna keep following me.
Oh and fuck how did I not list this in this thread before, I suck and am sorry:

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