THREAD: How current GOP senators viewed Clinton impeachment

McConnell: "Time after time, the President came to a fork in the road....Time after time, he chose the path of lies and lawlessness for the simple reason that he did not want to endanger his hold on public office" 1/9
Sen. Grassley on Clinton impeachment in 1999: "We are here because the President did wrongful acts and he admits to that....This President is in this predicament because of his own private wrongdoing and because of public policy he pursued. There is no conspiracy" 2/9
Sen. Inhofe on Clinton in '99: "Having been in the service myself, and knowing how important discipline is, I am very disturbed that we have so many cases where severe punishment is dealt to individuals who have engaged in conduct far less serious than that of the President" 3/9
Sen. Crapo on Clinton in '99: "I am deeply concerned that we will do great damage to our system of law and the freedom it defends if we diminish the seriousness of these crimes and thereby suggest to future offenders that they can commit these crimes with little to fear" 4/9
Then-Rep. Blunt on Clinton impeachment: "The Constitution cannot be rewritten by public opinion polls or by political expediency. When I took the oath of office to serve in Congress, I did not swear to uphold the Constitution only if it was popular." 5/9
Then-Rep. Moran: "I choose to be on the side that says no person is above the law; that this is a nation of laws, not men; that telling the truth matters; and that we should expect our public officials to conduct themselves in compliance with the highest ethical standards" 6/9
Then-Rep. Portman in 1998: "I believe the long-term consequence to this country of not acting on these serious charges before us far outweigh the consequences of following what the Constitution provides for and bringing this to trial in the Senate" 7/9
Then-Rep. Thune on Clinton impeachment: "In America there is no emperor. There is one standard of justice that applies equally to all, and to say or do otherwise will undermine the most sacred of all American ideals" 8/9
And last but not least: then-Rep. Lindsey Graham on Clinton impeachment.

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