#bkdk prohero Bakugo starts reading fanfictions about himself. The best is of course by quirkless Deku:

ā€œThereā€™s so many stories online, man.ā€

Grimacing at his phone Katsuki scrolled through pages and pages. Stories written about him. Baring his name. Stories where he did-
things, unspeakable things. With random people mostly. Some he knew, which was even stranger.

ā€œWhat the fuck is this?ā€

ā€œFanfictions, dude.ā€ The wide smile Eijiro wore did not settle Katsukiā€™s tightening stomach.ā€œThereā€™s some talented people out there. They write amazing stuff-
You gotta check it out!ā€

The tags were mild for most, but Katsuki was no fool. Understood very well wat ā€˜rimmingā€™ and ā€˜anal sexā€™ meant. Perverts. Most of these were explicit content. Another sign that he should not be on this website, and neither should Eijiro. -
ā€œWhy the fuck should I read this?ā€

ā€œTrust me. Youā€™re gonna love it.ā€


After their shift was finally over, and Katsuki found himself relaxing at home, he took Eijiroā€™s advice. Looked up the website on his laptop rather than on his phone, and typed in his hero name. -
Thousands of stories appeared, pages filled with all kinds of plot. He quickly skimmed some summaries, none looking too appealing. There were so many stories where he was apparently paired of with a friend. It made him a bit squeamish. That was not something heā€™d really-
like to read. Rather avoid the topic of fucking Denki or Ochako. And he really did not want to be fucked by Eijiro, filthy littleā€¦

But there were stories where he was matched with something called an OC. He quickly learned it meant own character, which seemed a bit -
more intriguing. What did people think was his best match? Katsuki personally didnā€™t know. Wasnā€™t much into dating as it was. So it would be interesting to see what the people thought of his hero persona.

Katsuki chose the shorter ones first, quickly realising that most -
of those were sex scenes. Very short, straight to the point, varying in quality. Most depicted him as some kind of animal, brutally fucking his partner straight to the mattress. Burning them with his explosions if they wanted to. Heā€™d never been very violent in the bedroom, -
so this was a little strange to read.

Then there were some that were a bit more vanilla. A bit softer. Some overdid it with the amount of loving words he spilled. Screaming an ā€˜I love youā€™ right as he came was not something heā€™d do. Why the fuck would you? As if itā€™s the -
most romantic moment to say such a thing.

Not that Katsuki had ever said those words to anyone. At least not out loud.

Even if there wasnā€™t anything yet that piqued his interest enough, Katsuki was unable to stop reading. Had to find more. Had to see what else these people -
wrote about him.

Heā€™d curse out Eijiro later for making his dick twitch at all the sex scenes heā€™d read so far.

Diving into the longer stories, Katsuki learned something about plot. How most stories were quite clichƩ, but still found a way to make it fun. There were quite -
a few love triangle things where Katsuki had to compete with another hero to get the girl. Mostly Shoto, or Mirio. A few others here and there.

There were the bad boy stories where he was the one that would string you along, until the girl left, and he was heartbroken. -
Katsuki had never rode a motorcycle in his life, but it seemed he owned one in every one of these stories.

But one of the plot lines that were used most, was the damsel in distress, and Katsuki as their knight in shining armour. Love at first sight sort of deal. -
As if someone could fall in love with someone based on one look.

Superficial shit.

It was running quite late in the evening, and so Katsuki decided he could check out one more story. One before he went to bed. It had to be a good one. Maybe one that had a little bit of -
sex somewhere, because apparently, he loved reading about himself fucking someone. Great.

There was one with barely any likes, though the plot seemed interesting enough. It was unfinished, but the idea intrigued Katsuki. -
ā€˜He grew up with Ground Zero, standing right by his side as the future hero achieved so many things. What would their life be like together, if they stayed together until the very end?ā€™

The title was fitting ā€˜Let Me Grow Up And Grow Old With Youā€™
Katsuki had read a few entries about his childhood before, none really fitting the one he had. Those were darker times. Filled with arrogance and entitlement. Confidence still streamed through his blood, and he could get a bit cocky sometimes. But never as bad as it once was. -
Regret was a word he rather not use.

Reading through that first chapter felt strange. It felt so close to reality. The things this person wrote down, were almost memories. How Katsuki had bullied people. Had laughed at anyone who thought they could strike him down. -
There were scenes where he could feel the punch resonate through his own fist. It was all written from the otherā€™s perspective. From the OC the writer had created, called Midori. Green. They were part of every scene, often being the one to receive the blows. The curses. -
The hatred.

Katsuki bit his tongue, unable to continue, but too invested to stop reading now.

The thing that made this so good, was that this story was not writing about Ground Zero. They were writing about Katsuki. The real Katsuki. This was him, through and through. -
Clicking to the next chapter, Katsuki contemplated about reading on, but knew he shouldnā€™t. This was the chapter about how he got into UA, and how he treated this OC person. He feared what it would entail. -
His eyes flickered up to the authorā€™s name, wanting to see who it was that wrote him soā€¦ perfectly cruel. Wanting to know who had been the closest to his real persona yet. And with that name in mind, Katsuki went to sleep. -
ā€˜A Heroā€™s Smileā€™

Such a stupid tweet.

Why would Eijiro post something like that right before their morning patrol? Letting everyone know he read their dirty little stories, because this was obviously one with a sex scene in there. Couldnā€™t miss it with the wink added to it. -
Katsuki had scrolled through the reactions to see very mixed feelings towards Eijiroā€™s tweet. There were a lot of fans who were ecstatic that there was a chance Eijiro read their stories. But there were also plenty who thought it was disgusting that people wrote the hero in -
such scenarios, which was understandable. Katsuki himself could still not really wrap his mind around it.

But he still found enjoyment in it as well. As soon as their morning route was done, and they went inside for a break, Katsuki opened the fanfiction website and searched -
for that specific story.

ā€œSo my bro got into reading fanfictions as well!ā€ Eijiro said enthusiastically, wrapping an arm around Katsukiā€™s shoulders.

ā€œYou told me to fucking check it out, didnā€™t ya?ā€ -
ā€œHonestly, didnā€™t think you would,ā€ Eijiro admitted, Katsuki rolling his shoulders enough until his friend let go. ā€œDidnā€™t think it was your thing, with all the porn you find.ā€

ā€œToo much fucking porn,ā€ Katsuki muttered, not admitting it was what he had read most last night. -
ā€œItā€™s great, isnā€™t it?ā€

Katsuki wanted to claw at that knowing smile of Eijiro. Wipe that toothy grin right off his face. But that would be admitting to indeed enjoying some of the porn stories he had read. Most of them were really well written! Even if they tended to -
sketch Katsuki wrong.

ā€œSo, whatcha reading?ā€

Eijiro glanced over Katsukiā€™s shoulder, trying to look at his phone and see the story. Eventually Katsuki just handed the device over to let Eijiro have a peek. It was easier that way. The other wouldnā€™t pester him as much, and -
really, it wasnā€™t one of the worst stories he found. This one was mild, with good plot. Not straight up porn.

ā€œOh, dude. Gotta be careful with this tag.ā€ Eijiro pointed at a word that said ā€˜angstā€™ which meant nothing to Katsuki. ā€œThat means the story has a lot of pain -
and suffering, emotionally. Not the best thing for your tender heart. Even if it says happy end.ā€

Pulling his phone back, Katsuki stared at the story. ā€œItā€™s really well-written,ā€ he said, voice suddenly a bit tighter than usual. -
ā€œJust be careful, bro. Iā€™ve read a few and learned to never go back to those.ā€

The warnings were not enough for Katsuki to turn his back on this story. Not when it was so close to home. It felt like reliving his past, sort of making amends with it. And that second chapter was -
just going to dive in further. Focus on what would happen with him as he got ready for UA.

Reading the first paragraph right there on the locker room bench, Katsuki could feel his heartbeat already speeding up. -
ā€œYou know I read a few stories by that writer too,ā€ Eijiro interrupted. ā€œSheā€™s pretty good. Actually writes sweet stories as well. Oh, and some hardcore porn if youā€™re into that.ā€

ā€œItā€™s a she?ā€ -
Eijiro shrugged his shoulders at that. ā€œI always assume so. Most of them are, I think.ā€

That felt a bit strange to Katsuki, seeing how the writerā€™s own character was a boy in this story. But that was not really an argument either. Girls could write male characters. -
ā€œSo they wrote about you too?ā€

ā€œYeah, and a few others from what Iā€™ve seen. Mostly you though.ā€

Katsuki nodded, heart continuing to race, even if he was not even reading the story yet. His eyes moved back to his phone screen, glancing at the writerā€™s name. ā€˜A Heroā€™s Smileā€™. -
There was something so soft about it. Reading through that first chapter, picturing Midori, he could only see the boy character continue to smile, like a hero should.

ā€œEnjoy the read, man,ā€ Eijiro said softly, patting Katsuki on the shoulder before giving him some actual peace-
The first bit of the chapter was the end of middle school. Katsuki could still hear himself declare that he would be the only student out of that school to get into UA. He had been right. Katsuki had been the only one. The story depicted it the same way. -
Showing a boisterous Katsuki, laughing at all the ā€˜extrasā€™ in his class.

And there Midori was. A small, frail boy, with a quirk that could hardly do anything. Light a candle with that little flame he could create from the tip of his finger. It was nothing compared to the -
grand explosions Katsuki was able to make. Midori was simplyā€¦


The word felt like a knife to the back, cutting away at his flesh, digging deeper as the word was repeated over and over in the chapter. -
Useless Midori.



Katsuki had to put his phone away. Couldnā€™t continue on with the story right now. Couldnā€™t read about his victory on getting into UA, abandoning everyone around him in the process. Most of all that one person that had always been there as a support. A person to ground him. -
A person that had been in his life since the very beginning.

In the back of his mind he knew who it reminded him of, but it was something he didnā€™t dare admit.

Looking over Eijiroā€™s tweet again, seeing his sweet words, Katsuki thought about sharing this story.
Maybe once he finished reading it, he could show it to the world, and tell them that this is the real Ground Zero.

This is the real Bakugo Katsuki.

ā€˜Seeing that retreating back of none other than Bakugo Katsuki, was one of Midoriā€™s moments he knew he was inferior. Katsuki was going to do great things at UA, even beyond that. Heā€™d achieve things Midori could only dream of, -
and it was a harsh realisation that he would be left behind.ā€™

Reading the last bit of the chapter on his way home from his last patrol, was perhaps not too smart. Not when it called up such vivid memories. His last day of middle school had been intense. He had made sure to -
leave his stamp on the school, on its students, on people that had surrounded him during all those years.

He remembered green curls, freckled cheeks, and wide teary eyes.

Having this image sketched of him, made Katsuki doubt if he had ever improved. Was he still this -
person that chased anyone away that got too close. Bullied them until they wept, bullied until they never returned. Eijiro had stuck around. As did Denki, and Mina. But right now he wondered if they actually really liked him. Was he actually a kind person now? -
Or would he still torture any person similar to Midori?

But the story was not finished yet, and this was supposed to end with them together. Even if it didnā€™t seem like it at this point.

It urged Katsuki on to read on, find out more. And the next chapter was about the -
time where Katsuki was at UA, and Midori was not. So he had to find out how that panned out. How they would remain in contact.

While cooking his dinner, Katsuki had his phone in hand, eyes more focused on the screen, than on the frying pan in front of him. -
He read all about his victories at UA, his public victories, known all through the city. All through the eyes of Midori. Watching Katsuki through the TV. Knowing Katsuki only through what the press would show, and it didnā€™t always make Katsuki out as a good person. -
But Midori never wavered in his admiration. Looked up every bit of info on Katsuki he could find.

And when Katsuki was kidnapped by the league of villains, and eventually saved by All Might, Midori send him a letter. Asking how he was doing.

Katsuki had received a similar -
letter to this one. He never had answered it, had he?

This time he had though. Wrote Midori back and told him all about what had happened. A lot of the story was more dramatic than his actual encounter had been. Katsuki got beaten up a lot more by the villains in the story -
than he had in real life. But the arrogance with which he told it, was quite spot on for how Katsuki behaved during those years.

For the first time since he started reading this story, a smile fluttered onto his lips.

The letters continued to come. At first the Katsuki -
in the story would only respond once a month, but as the conversations got more personal, the letters came more frequent. Got more intense. Deeper. Every word relayed on those pages, Katsuki actually felt.

And the way Midori responded. The way the author described how -
Midori felt whenever a letter was dropped on the doormat. Katsuki could feel his heart race. The excitement, the nerves, feeling everything the Katsuki in the story would feel as he received the same amount of letters in return.

Somewhere he wished he had this in real life. -
Have this kind of build up to a real friendship. Share the things he shared in those letters. About his home life, about his studies. About his insecurities.

With his plate in hand Katsuki sat down on his couch, munching on his food as he tried to continue the story. -
Finish this long chapter about his UA days. It portrayed all three years. Showing off more of his victories, and how he actually became a hero. Earning his hero license. All the internships. These parts were not as detailed as they could be, the writer grasping at the things -
that happened, but they hadnā€™t been there.

From this point on things felt different. Not as brutally accurate, but more like a dream Katsuki wished was real.

How letters changed into text messages, conversations never again stopping. How they shared every little detail -
about their life. Got so familiar with one another, that it was difficult to not see the other as part of their life.

But what truly felt like a dream. Something Katsuki just didnā€™t see happening, considering no one had ever done this in real life. Was when Midori wrote about -
different feelings. He never told the written Katsuki about it, but just wrote it down as little line at the very end. A cliffhanger to the story Katsuki wished wasnā€™t there. His heart could not grasp this concept. -
Couldnā€™t fathom why this was what Midori felt, after everything they had been through. But it stood right there, at the bottom of the page, cutting at Katsukiā€™s heart.

ā€˜Midori couldnā€™t help but fall in love a little more each day.'

Katsuki had gotten completely absorbed into the story. Every time he had a moment to himself, he grabbed his phone, and opened up the website. He had bookmarked the story, making sure he wouldnā€™t suddenly lose it. Couldnā€™t bare the idea of not finishing this story. Katsuki just-
wanted to know where they would end up. The title kind of spoiled it, as did the tags. It was going to have a happy ending. But Katsuki wanted to knowā€¦ how.

During all the years of where Katsuki went to UA, he didnā€™t get to meet Midori. They just never hung out. Never took -
a moment out of their lives to meet up. Midori said he was too scared to ask. Didnā€™t dare take away Katsukiā€™s time while the other was a hero in training. Which was understandable after everything the written Katsuki did to him. But Katsuki still resented the fact that Midori -
didnā€™t reach out. Resented himself for not reaching out as well, even if he knew that would be true. He wouldnā€™t have made the effort to hang out with Midori while he was at UA. Eijiro had had a difficult time to get him to come out too, and they both had lived in the dorms. -
ā€œStill reading that story, huh?ā€ Eijiro asked, heavily leaning on Katsukiā€™s shoulders as he glanced at his phone. ā€œGet to the good part yet?ā€

ā€œThe whole story is good,ā€ Katsuki muttered, flicking his thumb down to get to the next part.

ā€œDude, I mean the sex,ā€ Eijiro -
elaborated, curiously eying the part Katsuki was currently reading. ā€œShe writes the best sex scenes. Itā€™s realistic enough that it creates these vivid images in your mind. I always get hard, man.ā€

Finally Katsukiā€™s eyes were pulled away from his phone screen, shooting a look -
up at Eijiro. ā€œI didnā€™t need to fucking know that, asshole.ā€

ā€œIā€™m serious, man. Gotta read on. She writes so much about you, your sex scenes must be even better. Youā€™ll wish you had the real deal when reading it.ā€

ā€œJust shut up. Iā€™m enjoying the fucking plot.ā€ -
ā€œSuite yourself, dude. Just read on. She always has porn in her stories. Youā€™ll get there.ā€

Katsuki just rolled his eyes, but couldnā€™t help but feel intrigued. The plot was good. Had pulled him in like nothing else ever had. Well, except for stories about All Might. But this -
was different. Getting absorbed by a story about yourself, was a whole different experience. And he wanted to read more. Know more.

And secretly know how the writer would see him in the bedroom too. If it would be as aggressive as all those others, or as emotional as -
the rest. Or would it be somewhere in the middle, fitting more with how it really was.

His eyes flicked back to the screen, continuing where he left off. And Eijiro sat down beside him, opening up his own fanfiction screen to read stories, probably about himself, with content -
he should not be reading out in the open like this.

But Katsuki didnā€™t care. Cared more about how his years after UA were described. Midori spoke a little bit about rankings, and the hero agency Katsuki joined right after. All the information people could find on the internet -
too. Had heard from news messages. Except for a few small details. It spoke of a few other agencies Katsuki had the opportunity to join. As far as Katsuki knew, he had never spoke of those. Didnā€™t want to embarrass them in a way. But maybe he was wrong. -
How could this author know?

It didnā€™t matter much, Katsukiā€™s attention back on Midoriā€™s and Katsukiā€™s relationship. Now that they both had graduated, Midori mustered the courage to ask if Katsuki wanted to get a cup of coffee. Catch up in real life rather than over the phone. -
And Katsuki accepted without question. Went with it, and invited Midori to a coffee shop close to his agency to make things easier.

Reading about the butterflies in Midoriā€™s stomach as their eyes met, that soft green locking with cool red, made Katsukiā€™s own stomach twist in -
a knot. He could feel Midoriā€™s nerves seep into his skin, experiencing exactly what the character was feeling. And he knew the Katsuki didnā€™t feel as confident as he appeared.

Their first conversation was a bit rocky, as expected. But the flow soon seeped in. Reminiscing to -
their younger years. Kindergarten mostly. Those times where they were friends. Went into the woods and tried to catch bugs. It was so close to what he really did as a child. If Katsuki closed his eyes, he could actually smell the stream they had to cross to get to -
the better parts.

The memory made him smile, until he remembered who had actually been there with him. Could they have had this kind of experience if Katsuki hadnā€™t been such a dick? Had replied to that letter sent to him in his first year?

Their meeting ended far too soon, -
Katsuki needing to get back to work as a hero. And Midoriā€™s lunch break was also over. A regular office job. Midori honestly deserved better than that. Which was stupid to think over a fictional character.

The end seemed oddly drawn-out. Midoriā€™s feelings written out even more.
There was a delay, and the more Katsuki read, the more he realised what was coming. The way Katsuki halted in front of him, placing a hand on Midoriā€™s waist to hold him still. Their eyes locked and Midoriā€™s heart beat in his throat as Katsuki leaned forward. -
A kiss. Katsuki and Midori kissed at the very end. And it was magical.
Ever since Katsuki posted about the story on his twitter, his account had been blowing up. There were very mixed signals, same as it had been with Eijiro. A bunch of people were still against the whole idea of fanfictions, let alone someone like him reading it. -
But Katsuki had never really cared about what people thought of him. It was hardly what caught his attention. He didnā€™t even care about all his fans that were overjoyed about him reading fanfictions, questioning if he read theirs too. Not something Katsuki was going to reply -
too, knowing that would backfire very quickly. His DMs were closed off for a reason.

What stood out much more, between all the comments he received on that post, was that one person. That name that got tagged over and over again.


Deku is a hero. -
The name cut right through Katsukiā€™s heart, calling up a familiarity he rather not be confronted with. It didnā€™t really mean anything. It was a common word. Plenty of people used it as a nickname. It was just Katsuki that had some sort of bond with it. That had a connection -
with that specific word that made this all so much worse. Like the story it reminded him of times he wished he didnā€™t remember. Wished could do over and make it better.

The name stood out like a sore thumb.

Didnā€™t mean Katsuki hadnā€™t looked at their Twitter page. Katsuki -
had to know who this was. Knew that this had to be the author, otherwise they wouldnā€™t have tagged them so frequently.

The first thing Katsuki learned, was that this was an 18+ account. No minors allowed.

After that came the pronouns, and Katsukiā€™s heart leaped when he saw -
it was he/him. Katsuki was going to rub that in Eijiroā€™s face. The stupid know-it-all. They werenā€™t all girls. There were also boys out there that wrote amazing stories.

And porn.

The rest of the information was mostly about how the author was a fan of heroes. Not -
necessarily just of Katsuki, but he really liked writing from his perspective. There were a few other names mentioned, like Lemillion, Ingenium, and even stupid Red Riot. -
The thing was, Katsuki was apparently not special. Katsuki wasnā€™t the one the author liked most. He just preferred writing about him, because Katsuki was an interesting persona, and the author felt like he knew Katsuki best. With was true, and that made it even worse. -
For some reason Katsuki wanted to be the only one.

Tearing his eyes away from the little bio, Katsuki scrolled towards the tweets. There was a lot in there. Some retweets, which was quite a bit of fanart. Some quite nude fanart.

Of him.

And other heroes. -
But Katsuki was mostly interested in what the author tweeted about. What did he have to say, about anything? What was this person really like? The person that seemed to understand Katsuki so well, but also carry him on some sort of pedestal. Considering Katsuki still got a -
happy end, which was not really deserved.

There were some tweets about how he should write, but didnā€™t. His followers were quite supportive, saying he needed a break. It was quite sweet.

The thing that really made Katsuki choke on his own spit, were the other entries. -
Eijiro had warned him. Had told him that the author wrote hardcore porn. Katsuki had just not read them yet. And part of him still wanted to avoid it. Wanted to keep it new until he got to that part in the story he was reading. But how could he ignore these tweets? -
These short threads talking about Katsuki. -
Modelling for a dildo? It had never occurred to Katsuki before, and seeing someone actually wanting it. It felt a little odd. Especially since he, sort of, knew who this person was. Had read his story. Was reading a story where he was falling in love with the main character. -
And if the author pictured himself as the main characterā€¦

Katsuki did his best to continue. Focused on other posts, but soon found out that there was a lot of porn. Read bits about him having sex. There were never any other names. It was just about Katsuki fucking. How he -
would be in the bedroom. What he would do to someone else.

And it was hot.

Katsuki hated to admit it, but it was written out so well. How it flowed, how it was soft and rough at the same time. How bodies connected. How Katsuki got to take, take, take, and have the other -
turn into a moaning mess.

Against better judgement Katsuki quickly pressed the follow button. Needed to see what else this person would post about. Needed the updates.

And needed to show the author that the Ground Zero was now following him. Was aware of him. -
Because of course Katsuki had noticed that dekuisahero hadnā€™t liked any of the posts he was tagged in. Hadnā€™t even liked Katsukiā€™s initial post. Was very much ignoring the whole idea, even as others tweeted about Katsuki reading fanfiction, and whatnot. -
And if there was one thing Katsuki didnā€™t like, was being ignored.


(Making fake tweets is a lot of work, man... da fuck)
After a few days of waiting, Katsuki canā€™t take it anymore. If dekuisahero wonā€™t get in contact with him, then heā€™ll send a message instead. Unfortunately it took the other quite some time before he replied. And the conversation didnā€™t go as smooth as Katsuki hoped it would. -
When Katsuki spots a tweet from dekuisahero right as they are talking, things become even more curious.

[Getting a little spicy in this one, nsfw warning]

It takes dekuisahero way too long to respond. It annoys Katsuki that he is being ignored by someone, someone who supposedly actually likes him. Perhaps the fascination and adoration doesnā€™t go as far. The worst part is, -
is that dekuisahero is still active on Twitter. He posts updates on stories, and tweets about random stuff. Retweets things. Katsuki learns a lot about the likes and dislikes of the writer through it.

One could say he was internet stalking the guy. -
A growl escaped his lips as another update popped up on his feed. -
Talking about shit like this to the world, but not respond to one of the best heroes out there. Ground Zero was popular, meaning Katsuki was popular. And Katsuki was taking a moment out of his day to talk to the writer, and then what does he get in return? Nothing. -
Ungrateful little shit.

It didnā€™t stop Katsuki from reading the story though. Katsuki needed to know how it continued. Needed to know where it would all lead, and perhaps follow that fantasy instead of the real deal he was getting. A strange thought to have really. -
Something Katsuki didnā€™t want to dwell on much, because it meant acknowledging something he really didnā€™t want to.

No one could get feelings purely through reading a story by someone. That was utter bullshit.

Another reason why Katsuki wanted to continue, was because things -
were happening between his fictional version and Midori. As in they were taking a lot of steps. After that kiss things had developed. Midori had awkwardly confessed when the fictional Katsuki had blown him off for a date to hang out with friends.

Katsuki didnā€™t want to admit -
that it would be something he would do. Not because he didnā€™t want to go on that date. More so because his nerves would get to him, and to protect himself heā€™d cancel. A bad habit really.

But he could read the story. See how things would develop. -
Because after that confessionā€¦ Their dates turned a lot steamier. Kisses lasted longer, hands were lingering in places. It was a thrill to read, and a downer every time his fake self got rejected by Midori, because he was not ready yet. But Katsuki was patient. The real one, -
and the fake version. Theyā€™d wait until Midori was ready to give himself.

And reading the notes on the last chapter, said that Katsuki was in for a treat. It was finally happening.

Ignoring the fact that dekuisahero seemed to be on a retweeting spree, Katsuki opened -
the story again and settled deeper into the cushions of his bed. It had been a long day patrolling the streets. Dealing with small villains that mostly just cost time. Relaxing with this story was going to improve his mood.

At least Katsuki hoped it would.

It started out -
with preparations. Midori washing his hair, shaving parts that made Katsuki shift a little, and then getting dressed in a nice outfit. They werenā€™t going out on a date this time. Instead Katsuki was going to cook for Midori. Something Katsuki was good at in the story, -
and in real life. Something all his fans knew, since it was mentioned in interviews.

Once Midori got to Katsukiā€™s door, it all was very sweet. They shared a lovey dinner, had nice conversations, but there was this lingering tension. With every brush of a hand, every word that -
could be taken another way. Katsuki could feel it sink into his skin. Midori was ready. Had thought of it numerous times now in this chapter. Thought of how beautiful he found Katsuki.

And wondered how big Katsuki was.

An after dinner kiss turned heated fast. Katsuki had -
taken the initiative. Had slowly started kissing Midoriā€™s lips and cheeks and neck, turning the other into mush in his hands. Midori melted against his body, letting those hands wander all over his skin.

Katsuki imagined his own hands sliding over that lithe body. Following -
every curve and dip, squeezing in the right places. His hands tingled, knowing they werenā€™t actually touching anything.

Clothes came off.

There was a need in the authorā€™s writing that felt so realistic. Katsuki felt everything the writer tried to convey. Understood where he -
was trying to get. It was intimate. There was a heat behind it that made it so sexy, Katsuki could feel his pants tighten around his crotch, but it remained soft.

It all came down to the connection the two characters had. The feelings between them. -
The word Katsuki hardly every said or thought of.

Love. -
They moved to the bedroom to continue. Katsukiā€™s hands were all over Midoriā€™s body, touching parts Midori had never been touched before. It didnā€™t take them long to prepare Midori for more. Get him ready to take the fictional Katsukiā€™s dick.

Katsukiā€™s throat tightened as he -
read that. His own length was fully erect as he continued on. This part was good, really good. It had been weird, reading porn stories about himself. But thisā€¦ Somehow this felt different. This felt really like him. That need, while still keeping his cool. There was nothing -
forceful or rough about it. There was only passion.

Somewhere Katsuki wished he could experience sex like this. Feel that desire for someone. Wanting someone so bad, you just had to claim them.

The actual penetration wasā€¦ it was amazing. Katsuki had no words. He just had to -
read on and see where it ended. Read how they found their orgasms, and enjoyed each other to the fullest. Read how Midori was in utter bliss as Katsuki took him. Thrusted his length so deep, he rubbed all the right places.

Katsuki rushed to read the end part. Had to get there -
already. His erection was straining in his pants, precum staining his boxers. He rubbed the flat of his palm against it, relieving himself of some of the tension, but didnā€™t grand himself more. Didnā€™t want to be distracted from the story too much. -
And then when Midoriā€™s orgasm finally wracked through his body, Katsuki let out a shaky breath.

God, how he wished he could do that to someone.

And right as he finished one of the best written sex scenes he had ever read, Katsuki received a reply. -
With his heart thumping in his chest, new feelings having shown up, he read the message from the author.

Heā€™d forever deny his heart skipping a beat at the excitement he felt in that moment.

Even with a tightness in his pants, and a lustful haze in his brain, Katsuki pushed on to have a normal conversation. Now that he had the author back online, talking to him, he needed to hold onto that. Needed to talk more with him. -
For some reason it stung to hear that dekuisahero was bullied like the character, and picked Katsuki to portray that part. It was as if he had seen through the charade. Had seen Katsuki for who he really was and placed him in the part he knew so well. -
It didnā€™t help hearing that the author told Katsuki he didnā€™t hate him. Maybe he didnā€™t hate him now, but what if he had known Katsuki when he was still a middle schooler? -
Shifting a little on his bed Katsuki reorganised his thoughts. Pushed away the idea of what he had done before. Pushed away the person that came to mind as he thought of bullying during his preteen years. This was not about /him/. -
This was about the chapter Katsuki had just read, and how it had made him feel. An easy change of subject was needed. -
But perhaps he shouldnā€™t have said that.


(To have them sext a little and change the vibe of the story, or keep it a little angsty and not have Deku respond?)
[continuing on with the NSFW!]

It stayed quiet for a while after that. Apparently Katsukiā€™s words had scared the author of, which was not too strange. Though many fans of his would probably be ecstatic if Katsuki said something like that to them. They would pounce on the idea -
of Katsuki imagining having sex with them. But dekuisahero was not like all his other regular fans. Was far more timid and held back a lot. It was different.

It was why Katsuki reached out the way he did.

Considering it was getting really late, and Katsuki had been dumbly -
staring at his screen, wishing for the other to say something, he decided it was time to head to bed. He would have another long day of patrols tomorrow, and he needed to be fit. Especially since it was once again with Eijiro, and he knew his friend was going -
to drill him for more information.

Right as he was about to click out of Twitter, he saw the little writing bubbles flicker up. -
Not exactly the reply he was hoping for. Katsukiā€™s mind was somewhere half down the drain at this point, thinking of the delicious sex scene he had just read. Not to mention all the other feelings that bubbled up inside of him whenever he thought of the story, of Midori, -
Of dekuisahero

So maybe he was pushing it a bit now, wanting to get something else out of the author. -
Though it seemed the other was not as fazed anymore. Asking Katsuki for more details was a good sign.

It made Katsuki sink further back into his pillows, and relax further. He shifted his half hard-on a bit to the side, squeezing at the head to secretly awaken it some more. -
Of course Katsuki started talking about as if he was really fucking the writer. Hell, all he could think of was having dekuisahero there right now, tight ass in the air, ready to be taken. -
Katsuki got completely lost in the moment. Could only think of having sex with a person he had never met before. Rubbed the palm of his hand roughly against his hard length, filled with blood now that dekuisahero started to play along too. What he would do to just have him here -
And with that running through his mind, he said something really stupid.

Of course no reply had come after that. Uselessly Katsuki had stared at his phone screen, waiting on those bubbles to pop up, erection flat against his stomach. But they never appeared. dekuisahero had vanished into thin air. Even his Twitter account had turned silent. No talks-
about how much he adored heroes, or retweets of art people had drawn of his favourite ones.

It was all gone.

A week passed. Katsuki hadnā€™t dared start up the conversation again, knowing he had chased the author away. There had been proof that dekuisahero was a flight risk. -
Katsuki cursed himself for typing those five little words.

But life moved on and Katsuki at least still had the stories the other had written. Could fill the void with stories written about him. For some reason he had stayed away from the one that had attracted him initially. -
There were too many feelings there. Too many unwanted feelings.

Still the one where Katsuki meets a fan of his and they screw in the bathroom of a convention centre was a nice distraction. No one cared that he was actually supposed to pay attention to the grocery shopping -
at hand. If he accidentally hit one or two people with his grocery basket, then he certainly apologised. Maybe. Katsuki just didnā€™t want to be confronted with the real world. Outside of his hero work he had suddenly come to realise he was quite lonely. -
Is this what those stupid fanfictions did to a person?

Turning a corner Katsukiā€™s eyes remained glued to his phone screen, focused more on the aftermath of the bathroom fuck than anything else.

Until he bumped right into someone. -
ā€œExcuse me!ā€ came the quick reply, someone stepping out of the way as if they had been in the wrong. It helped that Katsuki was quite the large muscular man. People avoided him naturally.

But through the years Katsuki had gotten politer, and out of habit he did tear his eyes -
away from his screen to look down at the person he had walked into.

His whole body went rigid as he stared into familiar bright green eyes. For weeks now the man in front of him had crossed his mind almost every day. Katsuki had thought back on those soft green curls, -
on those freckles scattered all over his cheeks, of those lips quivering around a sob.

It wasnā€™t the same Izuku Katsuki remembered. Izuku had grown up too. Had gotten taller, though Katsuki still had a few centimetres on him. Izuku had even gotten bulkier, not as scrawny -
looking as he did in middle school, muscle clinging well to his arms and legs. With shorter hair he didnā€™t look as boyish as before.

Izuku really had grown into a man, who really was not afraid to blush. -
ā€œK-Kacchan,ā€ Izuku spat out, looking at him in complete shock. ā€œI didnā€™t know you did your groceries here.ā€

Green eyes flitted down to the collar of Katsukiā€™s shirt, doing his best to avoid all eye-contact with his former childhood friend. -
ā€œTheyā€™re renovating the one I usually go to,ā€ Katsuki replied. He could hear how stern he sounded, as if he still could not address Izuku as someone normal. And that was not true. Katsuki had gotten better at that. He shouldā€™ve been able to have a normal conversation, -
but he could not will his heart to stop racing. His throat felt tight with nerves as he stared down at the other.

Katsuki was scared.

ā€œOh,ā€ Izuku said. ā€œUh, well Iā€™m sorry for running into you, but I really have to go now.ā€ -
Izuku practically ran away from him, leaving his own grocery basket on the floor.

Katsuki could tell something was amiss, but he could not for certain say what. All he could imagine was the fact that Izuku was still scared of him. Still saw him as the bully that tortured him -
in middle school. And Katsuki had a bit of an idea how it felt now that he had read a particular story. So he understood why Izuku ran. Why Izuku would want nothing to do with him. But he could let the other go without saying anything, and so he shouted after him -
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