Okay guys, so we went back and forth about whether or not to address this, but if what @righteousricks has been saying for months is true, his sudden relationship with #AaronCarter is unsettling to say the least. This thread will discuss some very alarming things.
Rick has for months been trying to contact Aaron with what he says are things that could “land him in jail”, even stating this included “underage shit”. Instead of alerting the proper authorities, he first tried to get Aaron to respond, tried to sell it to the highest bidder, etc
When this chaos started between the Carter family, it appeared he tried to bank on one of Aaron’s sibling to pay for it. When this didn’t pan out, suddenly Aaron was interested and contacted him. Coincidence? 🤔 Perhaps Aaron is worried of what’s on there getting out now!
Again, instead of contacting authorities that the person accused of illegal activity wanted the evidence back, Rick decided to play along with Aaron’s game. The man he accused of being sick and nasty was suddenly a “good guy”. Pretty convenient, huh?
Now Aaron has done this man’s podcast and a visit to LA is planned to hang and return the phone. This is sick and a sad example of two opportunists coming together. Rick has since deleted many incriminating tweets but we had a few saved, fortunately which I will share below.
We even messaged with him where he admits he is only not releasing the incriminating evidence bc Aaron was nice.
And suddenly the man who said Aaron was nasty and could go to jail for what was on his phone is buds? Does that make sense?
Perhaps it’s because he has a shady history as well! Like they said birds of a feather...
Anyway we’re sharing of this to say, you cannot protect someone doing illegal things simply bc you want some clout from them! Perhaps we should take a note from his pal Aaron’s book and tag the @FBI
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