question: how much do you know about the moon?

space is wild. one thing is for sure… there aren’t many of us who can personally confirm what’s going on up there. and the moon? what we know (or have been formally taught) makes little or no sense.

so let’s dive in!

1) let's stick with the most accepted “giant impact” narrative.. “The early solar system was a violent place, and a number of bodies were created that never made it to full planetary status. One of these could have crashed into Earth not long after the young planet was created.”
2) According to NASA (lol), "When the young Earth and this rogue body collided, the energy involved was 100 million times larger than the much later event believed to have wiped out the dinosaurs.”
3) so earth was struck by a non-planet about the size of mars? then the debris formed the moon? and thanks to gravity it formed this REMARKABLE, ONE-OF-A-KIND relation with earth and the sun? okayyyy, anyway…. let’s talk about how remarkably improbable that would (seemingly) be.
4) for starters… eclipses. 
the size and distance of the moon in relation to the sun creates PERFECT eclipses from OUR perspective. what are the chances?!?!
5) that moon though… NOTHING seems to affect it. how many times have we heard horror stories about asteroids wiping out the earth? well the moon doesn’t have those issues, i guess? it’s been PERFECTLY stable throughout it’s existence despite being hit by asteroids (officially)…
6) how do we know that? well… we only see one side. think of the mathematical probabilities of how perfectly consistent that beauty must be to rotate/orbit on such a perfect path. so perfect we only ever see one side? oh yeah, this situation doesn’t seem to exist anywhere else…
8) so what is the moon really? what an anomaly! one thing is for sure… i certainly can’t personally confirm.

what do you think?!?
this puppy is so stable! even after being hit by asteroids!

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