Kicked off the 2019-20 Respect Campaign last night with a skate party at Oaks Park. Madison, Parkrose and Roosevelt high schools altogether to do one of my favorite hobbies. Let’s show up, work hard and be kind to encourage and inspire respect throughout the school year! 📚 🎓
Shoutout to Parkrose Senior Axel Peraza! Axel has shown a lot of growth since entering PHS as a freshman. He shows up (with near perfect attendance), works hard (high academic achievement) and is kind to all in the Parkrose family. Keep up the great work! RESPECT! #WeAreParkrose
S/O to Parkrose Sophomore Vivi Vu! Viv is not only holding it down w/ near perfect attendance and great grades, but she also works hard and challenges herself, taking AP courses as an underclassman. Vivi is often seen supporting classmates to do the right thing and is kind to all
Some Respect campaign students from Madison High that earned tickets to our game last week. Keep showing up, working hard and being kind!
New Respect program update just came through from Roosevelt High. Teachers and staff want to recognize Lindsey Vang for her patience, hard work, and respectful attitude to teachers, peers, materials, building, and time. Keep up the great work, Lindsey!
Teachers and staff at Madison High have nominated senior Levi Smith for Respect program recognition. Levi just finished a successful run as Simba in the the school’s rendition of Lion King. Keep working hard, Levi!
Shoutout to Madison teacher Jesse Gardner for his work teaching Hip-Hop Lit, College and Career Education and Writing. He’s also known for getting early morning buckets with students before the day starts. Keep setting a foundation of Respect with students at Madison!
Roosevelt’s Lindell Betts demonstrates Respect daily by showing up, working hard and being kind. His attendance is stellar, and his GPA is strong. Additionally, Lindell is a 3 sport athlete. He balances his time well, and has big goals for his future. Keep being a leader, Lindell
Always an honor to speak to Respect students in #RipCity
S/O to Parkrose Senior Jhaylynne Doctolero. She shows Respect for her school and community by fighting for initiatives to combat food insecurity and through her passion and leadership. She shows true school spirit by being willing to spend time helping her peers with academics.
S/O to Roosevelt student DeAndre Williams. He’s an engaged student that shows up for class and creates space for learning by always coming prepared and asking questions that spark discussion. DeAndre treats others with respect, going out of his way to be kind to others.
Shoutout to Parkrose Senior Adylene Garcia! Adylene displays outstanding respect and empathy for all, showing up when friends and the community needs her. Adylene raised funds to donate to the local coffee spot when their tips were stolen, showing what it truly means to be kind.
The teachers and staff from Roosevelt High just sent me a note to recognize their student Erick Moreno-Lule for his contributions. Respect to you, Erick!
Although we could not have a kick off assembly this year, I want to make sure to highlight the students from my Respect program that are showing up, working hard and being kind during this unprecedented time.
Madison HS teachers and staff nominated 10th grader Lisset Gonzalez-Mejia for a shoutout. Like many students, Lisset has had to adjust to distance learning while facing numerous personal challenges. Lisset has been an extremely positive contributor to Madison’s Leadership Class.
Madison HS teachers/staff want to highlight their social worker, Michael Waller. Michael is a valuable asset to the Madison community. While juggling being a husband and father to two young boys, Michael always makes time to connect and support the students at Madison. Salute!
Shoutout to Jazlynn Davis from Parkrose HS. She is kind hearted, confident, thoughtful, understanding of others, hardworking and brings a consistent happy presence to class. She is respectful of others while providing feedback to classmates to collaborate during distance learning
Shoutout to the Parkrose Leadership class. This group of students have embodied the RESPECT program by showing up, working hard and demonstrating kindness through our community during these challenging times. They continue to show impressive leadership skills. Salute!
Roosevelt HS teachers and staff asked me to highlight Alexia Valdez! Alexia, who is a senior this year, was nominated because she has been modeling what it means to show respect to themselves, others and the community online and offline. Congratulations Alexia!
Had a good time connecting with some students and staff from Madison High School on zoom today. Wish we could could connect in person like we do in normal times, but we are making the best of it. Respect!
For Roosevelt, Madison and Parkrose @PPSConnect
Shoutout to the Madison HS Outreach Team. This group has been Madison’s glue through the pandemic. Teachers can rely on the Outreach Team to solve a variety of issues. There have been so many people to jump in and make all of this stuff work for kids and families. 🙏🏽
S/O to the Parkrose Constitution Team! Not only did these students wake up extra early on a Saturday to participate in the We the People annual Constitution Competition, but they dressed up, logged in and performed! Parkrose walked away with multiple Special Unit Award winners.
Shoutout to Roosevelt senior Anamika Ray. Anamika has been a tremendous resource and support for other seniors working on the college and scholarship process. She takes the things that she has learned and meets with other senior students to make sure that they know what to do.
Shoutout to Roosevelt 9th grader Fatima Rasheed-Gaters. Fatima has made great strides this quarter and has turned her academics around. She has taken responsibility for keeping herself on track and staying on top of all her work. Salute to you, Fatima!
Parkrose students have endured many challenges over the last 12 months. Parkrose’s On-Track Coordinators have played an essential role in supporting Parkrose students throughout the pandemic. Shoutout to them for everything they have done for their students during this time!
Got a chance to drop in on the Parkrose High School Zoom call yesterday and catch up with some of the 2021 senior class. They’re all setting an example for their peers by showing up, working hard and being kind!
McDaniel HS teachers and staff asked me to highlight their student Alex Fidencio Ortiz. Alex is participating in limited in person instruction and continues to show up with 100% attendance. Alex is working extremely hard and is a joy to be around. Keep up the great work, Alex!
Shoutout to the Parkrose Asian Youth Society! In response to the tragic events in Atlanta, this group of young adults worked with the Parkrose Superintendent and the HS Administration to create a message of solidarity. #parkrosestrong
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