So I’m texting with this guy, he’s a Zac Posen look alike and he’s just so cute
He’s the cutest, he waited for me after a class just to give me a kiss on the cheek bc he arrived late and couldn’t do it before.
Alrighty. He is the cutest. Yesterday he asked me where was I going for dinner with my parents & that why didn’t I invite him as my boyfriend! Then I invited him, and he went “one day baby girl” 🥰🖤
He just apologize for being so busy and not paying me enough attention in class and in general. 🥰
Soooo I bought him gummy worms and he wasn’t at the uni 🥺. He even apologized!! Like it’s not his fault he’s not here!
He hasn’t slept this whole week so I told him to rest and take a nap until next period and he went “can it be with you please?” 🖤🖤

He is doing his job very well.
But, he hasn’t invited me to go somewhere or at least spend time with me at the uni. Sooooo deadline is next weekend. If he hasn’t invite me anywhere yet, I’ll just ditch him.
Yesterday everything was so good. Literally he was a love machine 🖤 and today he hasn’t say a word to me, or anything plus he is ignoring my texts 🥺 ugh. I hate being so emotional.
He sent a 2 seconds voice note. What should I do??? 🥺😫😑
Okay. I swallowed my pride. I listened. It was a “Hello”. FUNNIEST PART: he said he slept for 12H that’s why he didn’t texted me blah blah, and now he’s telling me everything he did today(?) like going for lunch and stuff. (?). I’m like ??? Still trying not to make a big deal. 🖤
I just forget it. Because I really like him. And you know, I won’t lose my chance for this anyways he said he will make it up to me this week 🖤. He’s just too thoughtful.
He likes my lips 👄🖤
And he also loves stickers, Zac Posen stickers lmao 😂 🖤 sadly he’s partying tonight. I kinda feel insecure about it
So I tricked him and told him it was my birthday today! Lmao. Anyways he kinda explained that he’s saving for a new business that’s why he hasn’t invited me somewhere but he did mentioned he will, soon. 🖤✨
I feel we’ve upgraded our confidence level. And I like it 🖤. Just want him to be safe tonight.
He texted me at 3 am, drunk. He said he was dead. And I figured he went with my classmates, all boys. Looking forward to study together 🖤
So he asked me to study with him tomorrow 2 hours before the test, but I’m in class, should I skip class?
Again. He’s the cutest. He asked me not to turn off the read receipts notifications 😂 because he doesn’t want me to ignore him. We are having a study date tomorrow 🖤☕️.
We’ll maybe hang out after our test🖤 (it’s a maybe because I might have to go to the hospital to see my mum)
I gave him the gummy worms and he loved them, he thanked me with a kiss. We did our test and waited outside together 🖤. But I have like a bad feeling don’t know why 🥺
He wears funny socks, and he always be like “today I had funny socks and you didn’t notice” but I always notice, so I always guess right 🖤🖤
So we haven’t talk that much, I helped him study for a Macroeconomics test (I already did that class). I know he’s stressed out so, I guess we’ll talk when he’s done with it 🖤🥰
Yesterday he asked me properly if I wanted to have dinner someday with him 🖤😭 he’s always saying stuff like “let’s study together” “I’ll buy you coffee” but not as real first date. This time was different 🖤
I have a bad feeling 🥺🖤
We are both way too tired.
We haven’t talk today 🥺 he didn’t come to class 😭. I’m not texting him, I decided I’m going to let him miss me. Idc how stupid it sounds. 🖤😂
It died. It’s over. 🖤☹️
I’d probably never fulfill he’s expectations
HE TEXTED ME 🖤. I know he feels sorry because he’s being super attentive to everything, answering me every single second and oh we’ll.. let the rollercoaster ride begin.
So, we’ve been texting and everything is going well but I want him to take me on a date or something 🖤🥺
So he kinda killed the convo so I decided to ignore him until tomorrow! I want him to miss me 🖤✨😭
He’s playing hard to get now. This is just too funny. 🖤😂. This is my favourite part of relationships, the start, you always playing hard to get, all mysterious but dying inside to be with that person. Gosh he’s getting me on my nerves 🖤🥰✨
I love it when he calls me beautiful
This time is for real. It is fall break, there’s a whole week off of school. I hope he invites me somewhere. It’s about to be a month...
So we didn’t talk today. But he came to class, he asked me for the answers to an assignment, waited for me to come out of the lab. And gave me a kiss on the cheek plus hug me for a while. He’s too cute to ignore 🖤😭. The deadline is still on.
Some guys of my class are going to a road trip, usually they get wasted, fuck women and do drugs. I just hope he’s not one of those 🥺🖤
He’s been REALLY talkative. Impressive. But still no date, no cake 🖤😂
He’s trying. I mean, he’s personality is so not the type to text every second but he’s trying at least. He’s got a test tomorrow so...
Soo thank god he’s not going on this road trip. I just hope I can get to have a date before my trip next week.
I bumped in to him at the Uni, he gave a kiss and hugged me 🖤🥰 we talk for a little because class. But it felt like none of us wanted to leave🖤😩
So. I really can’t keep it going. I mean he’s going on a road trip this week with his friends (pretty sure he won’t even text me) and next week I’m the one traveling. So the expectations for a date are no longer existing. I’ll guess I’ll just forget about him. 😭🖤🥺
So he texted me today. I just act like didn’t care bc I really don’t want to. Just keeping it simple and living my life
He’s back. He texted me. He’s flirting hard. But somehow I’m not interested anymore. Mostly, when he dropped this little detail about he’s sexual life I’m not comfortable with. (And no he’s not bi or gay). I feel weird.
I’m so confused
So, usually he ignores my text and just don’t care. Now he’s been like “sorry baby haven’t seen your message” “sorry I was busy” bla bla.
He’s been very attentive.
He almost got me a 0 on a Econometrics assignment. Killed him with a glance. Boy, please stop! I really can’t understand him. Hate/love him. Ugh.
This is ridiculous, he keeps bothering me every class and making this comments about everything I say. Please grow up.
He answered my insta story with a picture of him just waking up. I wanted to answer but didn’t.
I went to his favourite restaurant and sent him a pic of his favourite salad (yeah he eats salads) and we talked for a little bit. Nothing special.
This is just so confusing. He’s texting me again and so talkative. No expectations tho.
Caught him twice staring at me in class. Cute .
He said I looked good with sporty clothes.
So we spent together almost all the afternoon at this event. I was in charge of sound and lights so he stayed with me at the room. Also he hugged me, feed me with cookies, brush my hair and play around with me. Like why? Why? Don’t play with me.
At the ride back home with some other friends, somebody asked about my Dads cooking, and he started pointing out these details I have only told him, everybody was like how does he know(?) god so help me. He gave me a hug and kiss before leaving.
Now, he’s very talkative and texting so I said I wanted to go to watch “The Addams Family” but it seems it will be at the theater until today. So he said if I showed him the trailer he would go with me. So I sent him and he went “I don’t like cartoon films” :(
So he said he wanted to see the joker and as I haven’t see it either, I said like I think it’s still on.. and well he just dropped the topic. So not going out. Even though I shouldn’t, I feel rejected.
He said my ass looked good yesterday and that he wanted to grab it but he didn’t because I would probably beat him up lmao. ( I usually wear baggy jeans and long shirts so you really can’t tell, yesterday I wore tight jeans)
We are nicely talking. I feel will be really good friends.
He said we’ll go to the movies next week. And well, pretty sure he won’t speak to me in days and that will never happen. Hehe. Sad, but true.
So he said he feels he knows me from before as I showed him old pics of me in high school. And it kinda feels relief. I had the same feeling when I first saw him.
We started talking because he comment on my post and my best friend told me they used to party together, so I asked her if I knew him from somewhere but she said that no. Now it’s good to know he feels it too and I’m not crazy. Lol.
He’s being attentive. I’m out partying.
I think he’s best friend ( a friend of mine) is giving him advice. Idk. This is really weird.
Soooo he’s best friend told my friend to go to this after party and so we did. It was night, lots of games and drinks. Anyways, when I was leaving his best friend (GL, is his name) who was kinda flirty all night, walk me out and hug and told me to text him when I get home
Then as I hug back, he pecked me. AGAIN PECKED ME. It was weird because I didn’t do a thing. I only could think about Zac Posens look alike. I can’t with this.
Now I’m wondering if they’ve got a plan or something as both are texting me
THE STORY CONTINUES. So he sinceres himself, he said he finds me just way too cute to use me for just sex and that he doesn’t want a relationship right now but he made it clear he is not friendzone-ing me because if he was looking for a girlfriend he would choose me.
He also said we are too similar.
So I GUESS I JUST GOT FRIENDZONED. Because I have listen this stupidity many times. Cheers to a new guy friend.
He also said he considers me one of he’s close friends. And that’s cute. He’s a timid guy.
He said he wants to be my bf. wtf.
We are late night talking, and I found out he used to text one of my best friends but I didn’t linked him. So we are going to be friends I guess.
I let him follow my private account on Instagram. Idk why I was mad at myself yesterday and somehow he found out and started asking. I ignored him. Idk I don’t feel like talking.
He’s been way TOO attentive. He invited me to the movies and said he trusted me and that he finds me cute . And likes me a lot. Wtf.
Yesterday I was drunkie but like I could text perfectly. I missed 1 letter and he went “we will talk when you’re sober”. I found out he’s speaking to another girl in another class lmao. Anyways he has been cuter&nicer ever since we shared our private accounts. Dunno.
we’re so caught up with stuff and assignments it hurts! Sadly he better step up the game because this is our last week of classes and we aren’t seeing each other anymore.
He promised me our official first date after finals. We’ve been out before but not knowing what was going between us.
Okay. Weird stuff. So this weekend Zac Posens look alike has stayed at his best friend (LG the one who pecked me), Zac’s invited me on Friday night and today to go over, and as I didn’t have any plans, I went. Watched movies and ate. Whatevs.
Funny is how he (Zac) invites me but he sticks to his computer and don’t even pay attention to me. Mostly when even his best friend told him like “you invited her and don’t even speak to her”. I just act like I didn’t care, but I really do.
So LG, he is very attentive, and he plays around with my hair and hugs me all the time with no double intention (he has a gf) I know it’s just true friendship, and then when LG falls asleep hugging me, He starts looking mad at me, he didn’t even say bye. I just feel so done.
Zac Posen’s look alike hasn’t speak to me. Ever since.
I’m moving on to this green eyed Pilot I met
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