The paralyzing fear of Whitelash to Trump impeachment is akin to the fear of Whitelash to gun & fossil fuel regulation, ultimately it’s a collective refusal to take the keys and privilege away from people who are intentionally driving America’s democracy and humanity off a cliff.
Imagine if they never passed the Civil Rights Act or Voting Rights Act because their fear of Whitelash was just too insurmountable.
Meanwhile in the present day the excuse for how fucked up and unmitigated everything is is “White voters will get mad if we try to fix it”. If they’re so content with such an egregious disaster what the fuck kind of sense does it make to let them dictate how *we* roll? 🤷🏾‍♀️
Trump voters don’t need an impeachment acquittal in the Senate to be invigorated to vote for him again, their hatred of women, gays and non-White people is gonna drive them to the polls regardless. Their loyalty to his sociopathy shouldn’t be a mandate for us to absolve it.
When LBJ signed the CRA in ‘64 he said the South would be lost for a generation bc he knew the Whitelash would be tremendous. It’s been lost for far longer than that now but he did it anyway bc it was simply just the right thing to do. No fear, no regrets.
At what point do we prioritize our safety, society and future over the irrational fear, feigned victimhood and undue privilege of White voters who keep making atrocious decisions with their votes for the sake of greed, bigotry and willful ignorance?
Let’s face it, when the talking heads catastrophize about impeachment backfiring on Democrats, they mean with White voters specifically. No one with good sense expects the non-White electorate to take issue with Trump facing consequences for his crimes, acquittal or not.
On the contrary, the Democratic leadership runs an even greater risk of dejecting their most reliable voting coalition by being inexplicably weak and afraid in the face of #crimingwhilewhite and fascism. “Too afraid of White people to make change” isn’t a motivational campaign.
Democrats lost White voters and the South 55 years ago because they had the courage to be bold and fearless despite the risk of Whitelash to integration and equality. As a result they earned the moral high ground on civil rights and 90% of the Black vote, a way better deal IMHO.
Likewise in 2008 Obama didn’t say hope and change but only if White people approve, his candidacy didn’t die on arrival just because he’s a Black man named Barack Hussein and he didn’t automatically lose just b/c the White American majority voted against him. Audacity of no fear.
Bottom line is we aren’t going to extract ourselves from this nightmare by being too scared of angry hateful White people to act. Historically that’s just not how freedom, revolution or rights have been won in this country and anyone who says otherwise is a stooge for status quo.
This is how the Brock Turners, Brett Kavanaughs, Donald Trumps, incels and mass shooters of America happen, they don’t face consequences for bad behavior or frank criminality because the system is designed to cower to their anger and manicure their privilege.
Can’t send the young White rapist to prison b/c his potential will be lost, can’t convict the killer cop b/c the cops will double down, can’t buyback the AR-15s b/c the White supremacists will shoot, can’t impeach Trump b/c his voters will vote for him again, can’t fix America.
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