i am in love with my best friend 💛
he the best friend everyone could have
until he sewa-ed (yes guys, sewa) me to be his girlfriend for a day (we were totally joking bcs kawan kami smua bedangan except for us) until our friend said “skalinya banar2 tia kamu nanti” bcs he treated me like a queen on that day
“bah bila putus”
“aku nada planning kan putus”
he said keep it private but not secret, but, i exposed him on twitter bcs he doesn’t have one 😝
happy national boyfriend day! 🤢
went grocery shopping, cinema, the beach, and drove his car today
🗑 lmao
i teached him to senyum gigi today bcs he didn’t know how to and hey look at that
issa scams day out without planning day idk we never plan things out
went hiking with syasya this morning 🥴
nda kau ngalih kah pik meliat muka ku tiap hari 🙄
attended pastry class and went to the playground
bukan pulang ku mau banar kan clingy ani 😌🌚 i just dont know where to go and ngam free jua ennn bukan pulang rindu 😛💁🏻‍♀️🤢
if u dont like burps and picking nose dont open
saturday pastry class day 👩🏻‍🍳👨🏻‍🍳
pastu culik anak skulah ni dangani spend the evening of our one month! 💓💓
📍Hassanal Bolkiah Exhibition Hall
📍Kmart Dateu 🌱
felt sick last night so i slept early and look at what i woke up to this morning 💓
saturday means what gais?? PASTRY CLASS DAY 🍕🍕🍕
sis 🥺
📍Rimba Garden Central
quick stop to grab some flower seeds 🌼
🎥🍿: Pusaka (7/10)
📍Kmart Dateu part 2 bcs want tteokbokki aaaaaaaa
few days ago he activated his twitter back, and found my twitter, gotta stop mengumpat about him here 😝
i swear that mango cheese baba is to die fo
📍random playground idek the name
🎥 Maleficent
📍 RGC again
felt sick today, he paid for everything bcs sis is broke, sis no sick again 🤑
apakah tu makin nda mau begambar bedua aha
anyways si bro got sick so we went to see doctor, and i crashed his car (minor one) luckily we can fix it right away ✌🏻😬
📍Aman Hills before evening class starts 😛
and thats him flexing the Anyaman Lola dUCk Bag that he bought for me ehehehehehe
📍Kmart Gadong
finally (and sneakily) made him meet my fav girls (my sisters)
🎥🍿 Frozen 2 (9/10 WE cried 5 times)
sis made him a $1 clearance d.i.y beads bracelets (thats a minute before the bracelet putus and the beads bejurit all over the car seats) 🙄 and i made him a new one 🥵
exam week
few exams left until our LDR starts :(
then thread ini akan berhabuk for a month :(
today, we bumped into his father 🥺
it is unexpected, yet i am so happy and is still happy to meet his family 😂😭😭
📍Fun Toast
makan, makan, makan
my forever hero 🧡
after 10 days LDR-ing lmao 💖💖💖
always making me framed with the beach ❤️
our 01/01/2020 selfies 🌬
(i made excuses to send him some foods so i could meet him the first day of this year)
first day of our final semester, he made me eat alot and make my tummy happy, before i got pushed to consult the doctor bcs i got sick and babal dowan doctorrrrr 😫
visited this chinese property somewhere
oh oh oh and also he bought me this BABYYYY OH MY GOT he ticked my checklists like no other 😭😭😭 he-
he a nerd now
were having fun talking in the car until he gave me weird stares and cried all of a sudden 😂 i asked why he never answered he just cried his eyeballs out 😂 pujuk after pujuk, he said “when i look at you those eyes reminded me of why i loved u at the first time” damn it hits me
ok soon if my future daughter gets to find this twitter account and read this thread, hi daughter your daddy is a crybaby and your mommy is not
📍Jerudong Park
mmbawa main di jp, liat weather forecast hujan smpai malam, tpi ba ba lam kan main bah main tah behujan 😂
assignment week has started 🥺
its been so long since the zaman selfie bedua nda lagi pandai lurus selfie ani 😐
out and about 📍Feng Cha
new fav tteokbokki: Omma’s (not too spicy, but karit, served with sausages, mashed potato and k-sidedishes)
sec one is always the: Kmart Beribi (ALOT, instant sauce, cant really taste the chili paste, only tteokbokki, is spicy)
📍Kmart Serusop
a VERY RARE sight of sapik in a sweater 👏🏻
a makasi ❤️
classmate photoshoot day 🥳
Old Klang mate 🥟
Finally our sushi date but LOOK AT HOW I TOOK HIS PHOTOS BETTER 😡 ShareNation hello???
📍Excapade Kiulap
its a.. busy day but.. okay?
mirip siapa?
i vote for sapik in messy hair
he came all the way to tutong, to visit my little brother 🥺
SOOOOO GUYS this morning we went picnic (he packed the food he made from home) and he made me check the foods maself, there were 2 containers 1 contains our foods 1 contains 11 love letters for me I CANT LAH THIS GUY 😭 i didn’t even bother taking picture of the food i kried
woissshhhh datuk siapa ni
first merdeka day together 💛
and along with the girls #powerpuffgirlsandmojojojo #ppgmj
the reason why i hate holidays
idk why idk why why sis terjebak
sebelum kana inform esok start cuti :’) @syafiqhms hates holidays y’all
I ALMOST FORGOT THIS THREAD EXISTED come on i haven’t jumpa sapik for about a month but hey there 💛
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