Embrace your triggers.
You called them in.

Emotional purging happening now. Give yourself the time and space to really feel what's coming up.

Look at it. Feel it. So you can finally be free.
The old must be cleared out for you to be fully present in the now.

This is the refinement.

This is opening you up for more clarity and greater ability to focus.
This is a good time to really tune into your body and see how it wants to be supported through the purges and upgrades that are coming through.
Honor that your process will be unique to you.

We are being called to tune into ourselves.
My process has been looking like:

Moving the stuck emotions out of the body is a big theme right now.

This takes actual effort on our part. We have to do the work.

For me, intuitive movement has been working wonders. Allowing my body to move how it needs to move in the moment.

Get out of your head and into your body.

Screaming, singing, toning, humming, growling (yes growling) are all excellent ways to move energy (emotions) through and out of the body.

Again, get out of your head and into your body.. Allow it to do what it needs to do.

You can do standard EFT tapping technique and/or tune into the location of your body that the energy feels most concentrated and tap there.
I've found the best results in combining movement, vocalization, and tapping.
Once you feel complete, take a moment to thank your body, and be greatful for the opportunity to let go. Thank your guides, angels, ancestors, Source, Gaia (whatever resonates) for holding space for you.
Clear and ground.

Take a shower/bath.
Open some windows.
Burn incense/resins.
Eat something nourishing.
Put your bare feet in the earth.
Hug a tree (or 10)
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