People gaslight fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sag) so hard and it’s honestly so detrimental to our mental health. But Idk if this is a conversation that non fire placements are ready for...
Anyone is capable of gaslighting, but the way people make fire signs out to be the problem is highly frustrating. We’re passionate about our feelings and people make us to be the bad guy, writing us off as aggressive
We are always the target and it’s usually because we are willing to outwardly go against the crowd, for the majority of people. what I’ve noticed is that if a room full of people feels some type of way, If i step up & say what everyone is feeling, no one is there to defend us.
Fire signs will defend everyone else and spread our light to others, but no one does the same for us. Instead, people gaslight us.
A lot of people do not know what gaslighting is.

No one is saying one sign gets gaslit more. But you’re NOT going to tell me that my experiences are invalid which is what too many of y’all are doing.
-Being made to feel bad for being upset
- saying we provoke the situation
I KNOW I get gaslit bc of my fire sign traits. People play on these traits & say it’s just me. I am always the one that is wrong for my emotions even if I didn’t do anything. idek why tf I’m explaining this cause here y’all are, tryna gaslight me under a gaslighting post like huh
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